in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Why does coinbase do this to us everytime??


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they have a huge influx of people panic selling and buying while the market is low, they aren't prepared for how many people actually use crypto! this market will surge like crazy one day

Still, thats no bueno. I'm tired of hearing they weren't prepared for the influx of people. They need to get it together. If you are going to act as a facilitator of fiat to btc and vice versa, then darn it do it.

Yeah mate i can see the upsides of it, but its a hassle when your trying to get your money to buy all these cheap cryptos!

I'm sick of Coinbase doing this :(

I wonder if this would be mitigated if crypto trading wasn't a 24/7 operation? The stock market isn't 24/7, but crypto is worldwide, so it makes sense that their markets would always be open. That being said, I'm sure it's harder to keep a 24/7 high volume business flowing.

They only host 3 coins though, right? What about the exchanges that hold more? Do they ever go down?