Trading TRX after a Discord Chat

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


I'd planned to take things slow...squirrel away and learn the ins and outs of wedges, MACDs and Bollinger Bands, but the draw of hitting that 'Buy' or 'Sell' button was too much! I still intend on learning all of the above but yesterday I came across a discussion about TRX on Discord and I had to get involved.

A Harvard student had done his analysis on the upcoming trends of TRX and was very convincing in his presentation of future waves in it's price action. The current price was 650 sat, but TRX was predicted to hit 900 sat, come back down to 700, then off to 1150+. Maybe naively I thought I want a piece of this action. My stakes are fairly low so if it didn't follow the trend then not much would be I picked up 300 TRX at 650.

Low and behold, it started increasing to 900, before encountering resistance and dropping back to 700. So far so good, I picked up another 300 TRX at 700 with more confidence. Off it went again...I thought 1150 here we come...but it stalled at 800. TRX is currently bobbing around 700-800 sats...I'm hoping it's simply refuelling before take-off rather than blown an engine!

Mr Harvard ensures me that we're still on for take-off and puts the delay down to factors I'm yet to learn and understand.

Will my trip to the moon go ahead, or will I be left with motion sickness spinning around the simulator....I'll keep you posted.


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