Coin Review: TenX

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)


What is TenX?

TenX is a crypto currency debit card. It allows for one to use cryptocurrency on a card and spend at any place without having the company accept crypto. Let's say you buy a coffee and the coffee is $5 and you swipe your card that has bitcoin on it and the transaction goes through with no hiccup without the barista realizing you even paid in crypto. This is what TenX does.



TenX, unlike other alts actually has an operable product that can be used currently. This is such an important factor when trying to determine the value of cryptos. Also, co-founder Julian Hosp is an extremely intelligent and motivated individual with a competitive and realistic understanding of what needs to be done to reach the goal of mainstream adoption.

TenX is solving probably the most important problem of crypto currencies: ease of integration. Allowing the masses to actually use cryptos will do what all us early adopters want it to do: take away institutional power away and grant it to the individual.


Another feature of TenX is the new COMIT tech they are introducing. COMIT allows for TenX to directly interact with any blockchain. My biggest pro for TenX is that it has proper leadership and they are the first to market with this idea and execution.


TenX still has to face possible legal struggles with the US government. We don’t fully know how the government will react legislatively. Another problem is the value of the PAY token. TenX is a service provider that rewards you PAY tokens for using the service. They could easily interchange the tokens with any other crypto.

So, I don't see any intrinsic value in the currency itself. We still don't even know if alts will survive. There is much talk about what coin will just become the root chain and what everything will be built off of. What a lot of us misunderstand is that BTC, ETH, etc are not just currencies; These are OS’s.

Alts can and will be built off of BTC, ETH, etc. These alts would then lose the need for their separate currencies, leading them to just default into BTC, ETH, etc; deeming the prior currency useless.



The immediate future for all alts with good leaders, Ideas, and execution is very green. With every stabilization period for BTC we see huge movements in alts. This comes from the newly crypto initiated seeing the hug gainzz in alts realizing that they can get in on the action. So, We have and will continue to see growth in tenx for the time ahead but there will be a definite drawback period on all alts just like we saw with the hardfork drama.

I think TenX is going to be a very successful project with an incredible leader and first to market bonus. The competition with TenX is very slim. Long Term trajectory is still a complete unknown. Overall this is a quality project that has a currency tied to it. I am more excited by the project than the currency.


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Very good analysis of this new crypto technology! It is exciting to think that we can finally use our Digital Currencies in the standard FIAT markets without the need for businesses to adopt digital currencies. I also agree that Julian Hopp has an amazing background and quite the visionary.

Can we already order tenX card in any country ?

No, they don't have them available in the US. There is a 90 day period they must wait after the ICO to start sending to the US. SEC regulations suuuuuck!

Well done!

Sweet post! I am very excited about this project and still see this as a possibility of how we will purchase in the future as it is just fast, easy and secure. thanks for the post