Did you know about CoinGecko? It's better than Coinmarketcap

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

CoinGecko ranks cryptocurrencies based on several parameters, like publicity, community, development, marketcap, liquidity. I like it. Here's the ranking page:

The CoinGecko ranking page

You can also create a personalized dashboard, which shows the currencies you choose denominated in any currency you like. I use it for tracking my portfolio:

The CoinGecko dashboard

Steem isn't included at the moment.

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Yeah Bobby is a very nice guy. I'll email him about adding STEEM. Update : Done. Give it a few days.

Terrible UI

I like the fact that CoinGecko lists market cap in Bitcoin as the unit of account instead of USD :)

I like the fact that you are not limited to USD or BTC.

I am more into coinmarketcap then coingecko because this is where I first get to know all the other crypto currency but will definitely look what coingecko can offer

Thanks, that a good idea.

I strongly agree that using a variety of metrics is more useful than market cap alone, however the main value of market cap is that's what everyone else pays attention to.

I agree. The metrics arent always even relevant, like "subreddit subscriptions", according to which Steem's community wouldn't look very engaged.

i dont' like it

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

your must use direct link for images... in this case, your image's direct link is: https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmYraaYXGFaEbBda3pBxErVshFCU5QrvBfDPeCSznSMoL6 and https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmSYJdXKh4aM9argSVUF8uBJheVxGvYNenUtu8u1MK5VwK




Thanks! I just added ipfs/ before the hash. Where is that direct link available? I just couldn't see it on ipfs.pics after uploading the image.

Unfortunately there is no menu/link for direct image link on ipfs.pics, I do right click > view image from firefox