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I can't understand this graph can you explain this shortly about hope

This is ups and downs in Crypto marketcap since 2013. Marketcap exploded from 3Billions in 2013 to 832Billions in 2018 January. Now back down to 235 Billions. So let's hope for it catch up again and take over all time highs!!

Crypto market cap currently at $250B. It seems that the market is in Cycle wave 4 and can still go down another 50% before wave 5 comes into play. May take months or years (violent crash or slow bleed). Just my opinion, in any case....

Very valid case dear friend!

Hope for the best @mathworksheets. Thanks for showing a ray of hope.

I also think that


Hey friend!!

Haha optimistic call from you sir,i am still bullish on crypto.

we just have to believe right now and hopefully everything will be good