Reshaping the Cryptocurrency Debate around Heart-Centered Action and Intelligence

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Many debate everyday which cryptocurrencies are the best, which ones will cause the most disruption, which ones will shape our future and our world. Yes, it's important to be having these conversations and innovating in the crypto space. Yet I feel we need to innovate in our humanity FIRST. We need to make sure all humans are cared for and have the love and support they need. That means being an amazing human, loving unconditionally and not worrying or speculating so much on future "potential" or "value".... Basically living more Loving in the NOW.

Some people are already living by this code every day. They are focused on heart-centered actions, helping others and knowing that those actions will bring back wealth and abundance in spades. They are not worried whether they bought Bitcoin at the right price or invested early enough in Etherium. They're just being good human beings.

While I'm not saying to drop the intellectual conversations about cryptocurrencies, I AM saying that we mustn't forget the heart. To me, heart intelligence should be the foundation of any cryptocurrency of the future, whether it takes into account positive and loving actions. Shouldn't those be the ones that get "monetized" the most?

Imagine if Jesus designed a cryptocurrency? or Buddha? To me, that's the heart-frame we need to be in when talking about cryptocurrencies.

I hope you check out my work. I'm designing a cryptocurrency called SmileBUX... it's one solution to ponder and meditate on.

Perhaps even Jesus or the great Buddha would approve :)


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