BlackBox Foundation Offers a Solution In The Field Of Labor Organization

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Human labor resources are unevenly distributed around the world. On the planet there is a huge number of countries with different working conditions, different wages. There are states with a shortage of labor, there are countries with its surplus and a high level of unemployment. In different countries there are different economic conditions, different levels of wages and working conditions. Most people can not choose a job and are forced to accept the work and wages that exist in the locality where they live.

Numerous bureaucratic procedures hinder labor migration around the world. Most countries protect their populations and the worker can not simply move to a new place of residence and find work in another country where professionals are needed. Work in another country requires obtaining a residence permit and special work permits in that country, confirming the documents for education and specialty. A huge amount of money requires the transfer of an employee. Even if certain specialists are required in the country, often foreigners are denied access to the required specialties, since they do not have the appropriate permits. And most employers prefer not to contact citizens of other countries or offer them knowingly low pay.

Because of such barriers in many countries, valuable specialists can not find a job, since in their country, their specialties are not in demand. In other states, they can not work. Therefore, often people are forced to work not in their specialty and engage in the work that they do not like and in which they do not have the proper experience and competence.

All these problems lead to the fact that people's labor becomes less productive. The employer receives less profit and is forced to reduce the salaries of employees. On maintenance of offices, maintenance of workplaces the employer spends huge means, a part of this money is indirectly removed from earnings of employees.

Ordinary workers often spend most of their lives either at work or on their way to work. This is especially true for residents of large cities. On a trip to a place of working people can spend every day for several hours. Every day people lose these hours from their life, and they could spend it on a family, raising their education, communicating with loved ones or hobbies.

All this leads to the fact that most employees are not satisfied with their work, its results, or their salaries. As a result, productivity declines, workers often become ill or shirk their work duties, which employers can not like.

Thus, at the present time in the world of work there are contradictions that are not able to solve the world-wide scheme of labor organization. These contradictions are aggravated by the fact that the development of technology and robotization are replacing many workers and employees. Automated accounting programs have led to the reduction of a large number of accountants, the development of technology and production has led to the fact that the number of workers in factories is constantly decreasing.

To keep the workplace a person must constantly improve, take courses of improvement and even change their professions.

Blackbox Foundation offers a solution in the field of labor organization. First of all, this decentralized platform proposes to erase differences between countries and remove borders. Thanks to the platform, an employee can find a remote job in any country, if his competence and knowledge allow it to be done. The employer has a much larger selection of employees, rather than being forced to settle for only people living in his or her region or city.

Labor productivity is increasing. Employers do not need to spend additional funds on the maintenance of offices where employees will be located, this allows employees to raise wages, as numerous costs are reduced. Workers do not need to get to work and spend several hours a day on the road. Thanks to the Blackbox Foundation platform, the employer and employee can choose the most suitable working conditions. The system itself monitors the organization of working hours and offers several options for interaction between employees and employers. Payment can be built both on the basis of actually spent working time, and based on the results achieved. The platform also has a modular system, depending on the qualification and education of the employee.

To create a platform, its marketing development and promotion ICO is carried out. At the moment, presale is being held. Investors can buy tokens with a 50% discount. Presale will last until September, 27 or until a soft cap of $ 3 million is reached. After that, the discount will be 25%. After the end of the presale and before the start of the main ICO, a demonstration version of the platform will appear, a presentation of the product will be conducted and its testing will be carried out.


ETH : 0x2bb0da9df927f9790acfc5625aaa113f7e17fea7

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