in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago  (edited)
I swear we are so spoiled, the market is not exploding so that must mean that we are all going to die in a week. I mean, I know this is not ideal but the truth is that we lack some perspective on this whole matter. Remember that other market that 10x or more every single year? Remember?

Trick question, there is no other market like that. We are just way too spoiled, we want the easy money and most of us are dreaming of buying a shitcoin that is going to make us lambo. Don't lie, you've said it too, and you got the meme collection on your D: drive to prove it.

But here is the truth, in order for this ecosystem to work we have to move away from unrealistic things. The crazy over hyped markets destroy the accounts of thousands of unsuspecting newbies to the system, and some of them are too afraid to come back. Its not only expected, its completely normal.

But... but... muh Bags...

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I know, I got some bags too, but investment is a practice of patience and not a night out in the casino. It almost doesn't matter what serious crypto you are into, there is a good chance you've had to hold on to the bag, a time or two and doing so required all the emotional fortitude you could muster.

To my fellow bag holders, I salute you. Nobody told me this was easy, I heard them, but I didn't listen.... I completely get it now and I happen to sleep very well at night even when the markets are trying to take away my peace with double digits in magenta.

To those who are calling this a crash

Stop, this is not a crash, this is just a dip. You need to zoom out and look at things within the right context. There is this one video I think all who are feeling that stomach pain need to see. It will do wonders to put this whole thing into perspective.

Listen... everything is going to be OK, right now is not the time to slow down, its the signal to speed up!

Much love

Other posts by yours truly

• My mother has jelly
• You can't do it alone - You need Communities
• Helpienaut Meeting May 21 / 2018
• Operation: We are The Open Mic
• No need to be anxious

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Yeah the Fed is up to no good like normal lol they along with a number of banks etc have a lot of lose if crypto is going to take over and they see it as a threat. however people do need to start getting a little smarter where they put their money as these ICOs etc are loaded with scams

I think most of us will learn one way or another. Hopefully not the hard way... but even then.

I made some terrible investments, took some gambles and I see all that money lost as me paying for my education. Learning to control your FOMO is probably something that needs to be taught by Zen masters and I'm only half way joking.

I totally hear you on this, Meno! Good job saying what needs to be said over and over in the crypto space! Just hold your coins and wait for them to go back up. So many people sell at a loss because they freak out and then they tell everyone else not to invest because they lost money and don't want anyone else to. There is no need to be anxious, just be patient. Love it :)

I updoot all the helpies! ;)

People LOVE drama! The overall trend is up, but the peaks and valleys in between makes the drama queens sream with panic ;) Keep calm, invest wisely and let it be. If lambo is in the cards for you, fine! I’ld be much happier with a Tesla though. And until then, I just love my new folding bike! Gets my where no car can enter and keeps me fit ;)

hello there talented song lady! of course I agree with you 100%

I keep on telling my friends who talk so much about the millions they will one day have... For what? What for? and then What? and then?

Silly goals... silly drama...

There’s only now, a series of nows. Want fear? Get a future!! It’ll give you enough to worry about! But you already know that ;)

Good AntiFUD post for UnFUDding the FUDdulent, my FUDder...! I mean: my brother ;-)

That's right my brother, relentless!

The only memes in my drive are ratties... Honestly I try to "ignore" a bit the fluctuations . I have concerns but are of other nature and some are being addressed already.

yes my magical friend... you might be the only one without the memes I'm talking about! hahahah