Bitcoin Hard Fork Downtime: @mindhunter BUYS Some Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL) & Rocks Out To a Cover Of The Star Trek Deep Space 9 Theme!

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

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He could use more stage presence and less Zelda T-Shirt.

Very cool tune, but has the stage presence of a mouse!!

Very funny and romantic pictures. @naz722

What is gold pressed latinum

WOW congrats :D


uhm I must ask you an advice, you are very good strategist in my opinion... at 14:30 I must be in the school. I will miss the first part... is it good to write as much article as possible? I hope the question is not stupid... I would like to avoid disappointment... the tooth pain has finished yesterday I do not want more moral disappointment....Thanks a lot. HAPPY fork day,,, 2729772-Pitch-Fork-Girl-Stock-Photo-boots-cowgirl.jpg

I am not sure you like brunette

"I am not sure you like brunette"

Who wouldn't?

thanks from another natural brunette :D

is it good to write as much article as possible?

There is no right answer to this on Steemit Ale. As for the brunette, yes! Brunettes go well with blondes :)

thanks 0001.jpg

This is done by me with blender, I can do something better, but yesterday I was in a hurry... I am learning the programm and it makes me scratch my head every single time

Blender is great fun for stretching the neurons! :)

are you a good user?

Average. I prefer GIMP in Ubuntu.

cooool :D Now me following you :)

man! that deep space rock vibe was legit! i'd love to have heard that on the show for just one episode! :)

I went to hear the original tune right after it and I was disappointed :(