Cryptocurrency 24 Hours Recap

in cryptocurrency •  3 years ago 


CryptoCurrency recap

CryptoCurrency market cap rankings, posts, and more.
The following statistics are rendered from the 25 largest cryptocoins.

Market Share

The chart shows the market share of the 25 largest coins. Coins with a market share less than 5% have been grouped into "Other"

Winners and losers

Top 5 winners

Name                                Price (USD)% change(24h)
Avalanche16.887223802497953 4.6922273
TRON0.06607773031971785 3.82864322
XRP0.31787469858232753 1.73459575
Polkadot6.763483138128677 0.45280953
Litecoin50.12923460491243 0.44666932

Top 5 losers

Name                                Price (USD)% change(24h)
Polygon0.45898758049412 -4.5212595
Ethereum1055.5506401997943 -0.68227904
Uniswap4.815478984779867 -0.64986669
BNB217.21985617401043 -0.53082796
Cronos0.11195294248854945 -0.39003047

Other great coins

Name                                Price (USD)% change(24h)
Cardano0.4502978770367681 0.27818793
Hive0.43245091367970595 -3.37312851
Bitcoin19151.991016017288 0.06420902
Dogecoin0.06647386304730536 0.30620813

Coin news


What American Independence Looks Like When Secured By Bitcoin!

Bitcoin is a monetary system that returns to the ideals upon which American independence was built....

July 4th Is A Reminder To Declare Monetary Independence And Protect Freedom By Using Bitcoin!

By saving in bitcoin and holding your private keys, you can opt out of a flawed financial system and participate in the world’s largest nonviolent protest....

Independence Day: Why America’s Founders Would Be Bitcoiners!

On this July 4th, let’s remember that America’s founding fathers wanted to create a republic based on sound money like Bitcoin....

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