#91 Overstock ATS for ICO's & Japan's J-Coin/Yen + SegWit2X Bitcoin

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Overstock accepts Bitcoin, Overstock invests in Bitcoin, & now Overstock is launching a first-of-its-kind "Alternative Trading System" (with tØ/ TZero, Medici, RenGen, & ArgonGroup), that will provide a real US exchange for Digital Assets categorized in the as securities, in the United States, by the SEC. And on the other side of the world, The Banks in Japan are considering launching the JCoin, directly intended to eliminate cash as a payment option, Before Tokyo 2020 Games.

So, how will Overstock's new ATS help or hurt the flood of new users and new ICO projects? Is the J-coin in Japan a sign that governments around the world are set to start their own proprietary, national, cryptocurrencies. And, people really-really hate SegWit2x. Let's Discuss!

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