Poloniex Has Now Been Offline For Three Hours........ Should We Be Concerned?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)


Trading has halted on Poloniex for several hours, Website is down, the API system is offline.

According to their twitter feed:

Trading has been halted while we work to restore connectivity. This may take some time.

But as of writing this all trading has stopped now for well over 3 hours. This isn't the first time poloniex has gone dark without warning causing mayhem in the Crypto-space.

Well, it will be interesting to see what reason is given, as trading volume on Polo did not seem unusually high today, since they decided NOT to support Bitcoin cash they should of been one of the quieter platforms today?

We shall see, after my recent 12 day Withdrawal period on Poloniex my confidence in them is waning.

I'll update the post once more information is available.

Follow me @miracleman

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I've written about this numerous times! Get out while you can..if you can!!!

Do we need to worry about bittrex too?

Thanks for the info, nice post :)

I pulled everything from polo weeks ago. the platform is not stable, customer service sucks.

I pulled just about all my assets out just a few days ago, still have around 1BTC worth of Crypto in there, but thats it. I've rarley kept more than 5% of my portfolio in there at anyone time, or any exchange at one time to be honest. All your eggs in one basket and all that :D