What A Crypto Crash! I Took This Opportunity And Bought One Bitcoin More.

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

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What a crypto crash day!
You know what. Months ago I was a bit frustrated that I bought not one Bitcoin more.
In the time where I have more dealt with the whole cryptocurrency world, ​ I learned​ that things could and will happen fast sometimes. And truly I ​felt it. And it brings nothing to be angry about something you did or did not.

And today Bitcoin a nearly every other coins were falling down. one youtube Video after the next pop up in my feed.
For me, ​it was an opportunity to buy at least one more bitcoin and I did.

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If I had enough money I would have done the same that is for sure ,as it looks for now a little down for BTC but in the long run it shall rise soon enough !
Best of luck buddy !

Thank you my friend :)
Then​ I will do something good for you :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks very much Mate :)
That's what makes us Family in the Community of Steemit !

true words my friend :)

Well done! That's the right way to buy the drops! Very encouraging also for us 'HODL'ers.

When I would have been earlier at this stage I wouldn't​t had to take this now. But I am glad that this opportunity came :)

Und nun kannst du hier auch noch einen Tipp abgeben, wo der Bitcoin-Kurs am Valentinstag steht und 10 SBD gewinnen:

Viel Erfolg!

Super vielen Dank :)

Gute Entscheidung im Dip zu kaufen - habe ich auch getan (natürlich angepasst an mein etwas bescheideneres Budget :P)!

Wollte dir übrigens ein Projekt eines Freundes auf steemit vorstellen, welches zur Stärkung der deutschen Community gedacht ist, und vor allem Neueinsteigern eine gute Anlaufstelle bieten soll. Wenn es dann mal läuft, würde es uns natürlich auch sehr freuen, dich dort mal begrüßen zu dürfen: https://steemit.com/deutsch/@jedigeiss/idee-virtuelle-meetups-inklusive-hilfe-fuer-alle-deutschsprachigen-neulinge-anregungen-und-ideen-erwuenscht

LG und ein frohes Fest dir und deiner Familie - Du hast es dir verdient :)

Es ist toll, wie engagiert hier alle sind. Einen Nachteil haben allerdings diese virtuellen Meetings: Man kann keine Geschenke mitbringen!
Aber wir könnten vielleicht mal einen Stammtisch in Salzburg machen, was meinst du?

Es ist toll, wie engagiert hier alle sind. Einen Nachteil haben allerdings diese virtuellen Meetings: Man kann keine Geschenke mitbringen!

Sei nicht so gierig - Sind Karoffeln schon alle :P?

Aber wir könnten vielleicht mal einen Stammtisch in Salzburg machen, was meinst du?

Ich meine, dass das sehr sehr cool wäre ;)

Top, danke das du mich wieder auf etwas tolles aufmerksam gemacht hast :)

Genau so hätte ich es auch machen sollen!

Sehr schlauer move :)

Ich danke dir ^^Hat meinen damaligen Frust weggefegt^^

Also got some ethereum down at 490 :) glad there was that sell dip in GDAX!

Very good advice. I want to brought more bitcoin. Following you. Thanks for sharing the important post

and this happened really fast. it went down like in the fastest rollercoaster. congrats to the one more bitcoin. will be worth much more in a few weeks. I should buy some more coins as well.

I hope so :)

even if not, change it to some alts and they will shoot up beginning next year. 👍

Great advise :)
Thanks for that.

Gerne doch. Im Grunde muss man heute ja einfach nur in einen der Top 20 investieren und Geduld mitbringen. Irgendwann macht es immer einen Ruck nach vorne.

Buy the dip :-)
One whole bitcoin - very nice^^

Yes, my friend.
I was thinking about to buy one more at 18k. I think you know all the stuff from john mcaffee for example that bitcoin will reach 500.000k. Than it drops to 11k i had to take it :D

This is a great opportunity to buy bitcoin! You are juat right to buy more. I don't know much about crypto but reading some. Cheers! 😄

I am also still learning more and more about this space ^^

I don't think this is "THE" dip but we shall see. I'm hoping to buy some steem for around 1$ so I will wait for that opportunity.

I personally hope that steem will rise more :)

J'aime :)

you did the right thing, you can say you gave yourself at Christmas a crypto gift :)
now the end of the year, so everyone in front of long weekend closed positions, that would not worry at the weekend and not climb into quotes, but just enjoy the moment. Last year it was the same, you used the time you needed :)

Thanks my friend​.
I see it the same way like you explained:)

You grabbed the opportunity :D so great ....That's really awesome thing you did

How high was the transaction fee on that? Aren't transaction fees on BTC through the roof right now?

You are right, I got even a warning that the transaction fee is higher than normal because of the huge amount of transaction. I think many panic sales happened. It was around 40USD.

$40 isn't too bad. I expected it to be a lot higher.

Yeah there's some fear in the air right now, but people who have been waiting to get in need to be excited. This is the dip a lot have been waiting for... finally convinced my co-worker to jump in!

I want to brought more bitcoin.
Following you. Thanks for sharing the important post

That's very good decision you made to buy 1 btc that would be much worth in just few months hodl

Yes, I hope so :)

Nice to know that when everyone fear its the time to buy !

wow you just bought it at the right time and now it rising :) great buy

Good4you! It’s just a crypto Christmas cash out time. Let’s continue the ride soon again 🎄

You are right ^^
Let‘s do it.

Exactly! Nice to meet you!!!

Merry Christmas to both of you guys!)

Das war ja was.... ich wollte auch nach kaufen, aber andere Coins-leider war ich gefangen im Bus ( wieder eine lange Busfahrt gehabt ) und konnte somit nicht an meinen Laptop, der unten im Bus Laderaum lag. Macht nichts, es wird nicht das letzte Tal sein, durch das wir gehen ;-) LG und wünsche dir einen schönen Heiligen Abend mein Freund