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I'm not the only one buying hella crypto today, am I?!

The sky is falling! Run for the shelters!

The sky is falling! Run for the fiat!

Only one person happy here lol The buyer!

Happy today...
______ tomorrow

time to buy - or not?

I'm buying


crying lol

I feel like chicken little!!!

I like your style. There should be more comics on here!
We need our laughs...

If I may, this is my own comic. Please have a look:

Time to buy or not?

@mynameisbrian - Really sums up the situation today. Wonder who the superman is. I am like the moron in yellow - tempted to buy. LOL Thanks for making my day. This was the first real smile today. Upvoted

I have been working on updating my blog skills and have posted a blog about Human vs Animal eyes 👀 , based on my wildlife photos. I would be honored if you visit and provide your valuable comments. Thanks.

Always with the negative waves, Moriarty. ;-)
Steem is actually up today so let's turn those frowns upside down.

Haha this is fantastic!
Bitcoin has already died many times and will die many times again.
It's like a cat, only it has 9000 lives instead of 9.

lol... Bitcoin is Forked.. hahaha

Simple and it explains all so clearly instead of the long posts we are reading about this these days! Beautiful!
Bravo @mynameisbrian

Well Litecoin ain't no shitcoin!

It's in the comic. Must be true


This was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. I'm falling you now! @mynameisbrian

and all the shit coins! LMAO

LOL I fucking laughed "and all the shit coins" :DD

True story...

this is reallly.......well, time to...

The Bitchcoins Are Touching The Sky.....hAAHa

hehe ;D great work!!

Perfect way to describe the fall. How many rockets await the impending surge yet to come?

Damn scared people. Lets buy! :D


They will build a rocket and will fly again soon 😁

LOL, the look of dog falling down is perfect!!

hahah! This was great man! :)

@mynameisbrian it's really awesome!! Thanks for sharing and keep posting like that.