How Bitcoin can change how we think about money.

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

There is a simple formula we are programmed with here in the UK

  • Go to school and learn and get qualifications
  • Go to university and get into debt but it's ok they'll take it back from you when you get a job
  • Get more debt to buy a house
  • Earn the same money each year even though inflation is going up

Why do we put up with it?

Because the whole of our society is based on debt. Why are some wealthy and others not?

Because of one principle.

Invest in yourself first.
When you earn money put a portion aside in investments, there are some good ones on this site! (and some terrible ones please avoid them). The you will build up a nest egg for your future BEFORE you start paying all the other things. Work towards becoming debt free. Most people THINK they have no money to invest with but you can always give up takeaways or fast food! (If you get your investments big enough you could buy your own restaurant!).

Bitcoin Teaches us about being Debt Free

We are so programmed into debt and interest that all over the internet there are scams using the same fractional reserve banking scam that banks have. The thing about Bitcoins is that there are only so many of them, you own them, or you don't own them, unlike money you THINK you have in the bank which you don't actually own and is being lent out 3 times to 3 different people whilst you make a terrible rate of interest on what little money you hold there.

Because Bitcoins are a distributed network it encourages us to stop thinking in terms of debt and interest, and just think in terms of money being what it SHOULD be and that is a tool for exchange. No more.

Taking money back from the banks and government can only be a good thing. Giving people freedom who banks and government have controlled for so long is a dangerous and scary thing. We are not used to being free. We are used to being cushioned.

By using Bitcoins in our daily lives we are taking back money from the governments and banks, we are saying we want control of our future, of our finances.

This is more than just the Internet of Money, it's about being free.

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"We are not used to being free. We are used to being cushioned."
Too true.

"This is more than just the Internet of Money, it's about being free."
Yup - which is why governments don't like it!

Right! - that's why I'm here, sure I'll make a bunch of bucks when people catch hold of what this actually is, but really it's about taking back our Freedom!