New browsers to check out!

in cryptocurrency •  5 years ago 

Hello! I've had a chance to try new browsers, and thought I'd share these browsers with the steemit community!

My first browser is The Classic Browser:
It's a cache-less browser, and uses the hosts file to block ads/trackers. Lightweight, and fast, too. It does take a bit getting used to, as you have to right-click to open a new link, and you can't control-D bookmarks. Very customizable, though!

Second browser is Maiar:
It's based on Brave, and is close to releasing it's next version soon. I've been told big things are in store, and I'm excited to see what they do with this browser. It has a built in adblocker, and is very fast.

Third, and final browser is Osiris browser:
It's called a "net-neutrality" browser. Similar interface to Brave, but unlike Brave, you can use Osiris to mine cryptocurrency when you're not using the browser. One thing I'm not fond of, is you can't block elements, so hopefully they will implement that in the next version.

That's it for now. Hope you enjoy these browsers!

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