This is the first of what ought to be a useful series of posts, detailing some of the finer aspects of this crypto-journey I've found myself on lately.
Today, steemit is a community which will one day be a different kind of community, but for now it's so free, and authors can post most whatever they want, and if anyone in the community likes it, there is a chance that someone else might like it and that it could become useful and well-followed.
A well-followed post can lead to a following of people who come to expect quality content, and upon delivery, the steemit community intrinsically rewards authors by upvotes and sharing and boosting their wallets and smile count.
This Crypto Journal Log is going to be a loosely-typed, casual observance with some rather unexpected but hopefully incredibly useful information for you, my dear reader. In pondering who may read this immediately, and then who may read this in the future, I will do what I can to write to all, and have the wherewithal to write from a humble perspective.
A friend recently helped me get into trading crypto. He shared .4 LTC with me @$100, and I've gone wild trading on HitBTC.
Here are two affiliate links to get started, Coinbase and HitBTC:
You can send your affiliate links to people and earn profit. For joining Coinbase from that link, you and I both get $10 after you invest $100.
It seems most profitable at the moment to invest in LTC, and transfer that out. I have thoroughly enjoyed doubling money during the recent ups in the markets, and then diversifying into fractions and ones and tens and hundreds and thousands of coins of BCN, BTC, BTCA, CL, DCN, LTC, TRX, XDN, and XRP. I've also got a few other small coins, and I've jumped in and out of a few others, but these ones listed have proven exceedingly profitable and actually fun for a new day trader such as myself.
In addition to trading through the HitBTC interfaces, I've also begun building my own PHP-powered interface, which in less than two weeks I've been able to build a simple UI, and train it with numerous signals and insights to highlight through the use of colors and other mechanisms.
In another couple of weeks, it will be interfacing with a larger Android app I've been writing which I'll be glad to discuss more about later, but to sum it up, it can understand my spoken words currently, and I'll use it to alert me via a Bluetooth earbud or headset when it recognizes certain signals, and I can tell it to execute decisions for me or express more data. If I'm not wearing it, it can simply e.mail [email protected] and ATT turns it into a text message which I can then respond to, which my robot will interpret and buy, sell, or draw pretty pictures or whatever I tell it to do
What has been amazing to me is after I gained the insights I first set out to display, like current price, quantity, capital value, percent of purchase price / profit margin, break even price, etc... I learned that there are more insights which can be gained, and then more insights on top of those, so my written notes have far outpaced my allotted time to build the program, but I'm slowly making progress and having fun doing it.
For the first time since when the internet was being built, I feel like a pioneer again out on the internet. I skipped over a lot of recent things like Facebook and Twitter, but I was around and tinkering with computers before AOL started sending out their CD-ROM discs, and I've enjoyed going from a text-based internet, to one with animated GIFs, to what it is and is becoming today, although I have learned a lot from a lot of mistakes, both my own and others, and I want to say that with all the excitement that cryptocurrency is generating, there is a ton of heavy risk involved for people who become heavily invested in it. So don't. If you do invest in it, lightly invest in it at first, until you have had time to have conversations with others, read news and do a lot of your own research.
This phenomenon is comparable to other early disruptors like Napster and Skype, but cryptocurrency is a much more critical development, because it is tradeable for actual money, and actual other cryptocurrencies, and each currency has its own set of rules that it tries to follow. There is very real risk, and even if I explicitly say, "Now is a good time to buy!" I would never want someone to take only my advice, but to know what they're getting into, and to not invest any capital that they cannot afford to lose.
That being said, so far it has been easier than winning at a video game, to win at this game of graphs and patience and sheer happenstance. I hope to find some friends here in the steemit community as well as out and about in the LBRY and Blockstack chains, and out in the larger internet on Twitch and maybe a public blog or three.
My friends have been asking a lot of questions, and I will distill them into useful nuggets of information, but you can also ask questions elsewhere online, such as at, and offer a bounty to people who offer useful insights. If you want to earn the bounty, you can also answer questions.
Mainly, I would like to use the internet to help introduce cryptocurrency to folks who are interested in jumping aboard during these initial historic times, and for those salty dogs who have been at it since before Pizza Day. I've been reading the news and paying attention to cryptocurrency since Bitcoin was first becoming a thing, and I've been mining and in the markets since December and I truly believe that people are going to look back and wish they had gotten in during these days, because crypto is only growing, overall.