Slothcoin was is and shall be a community crypto

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

As the young Sluke moves on slothly.

For me it is time to move on also, to explore new cryptos, like EOS.

While still supporting Sloth on its way.

At some point I was quite involved with Slothcoin. And together with support from the Slothcoin community a new version came to life. Even though I do not C very well, I managed to find my way around the code. From block 300000 there would be a new reward schedule. With currently a reward of 4321 SLOTH for every block found. Difficulty adapting every new block, that would help getting it out off high diff with a bit more ease. There is still about 3 billion SLOTH to be mined until the year 2021. My involvement came about when version 1.3 was up and running. Keccak/SHA3 mining got me interested and for the love of Sloth. The animal that proves it is about being best adapted, best fitted, that makes a species thrive over a period of millions of years.

And I made a fresh new look for the little Sloth to make clear it there really was some change. Created a story to match, about the old and wise Sloda and the young Sluke. Where there seemed to be a reference to some science fiction movie series, apparantly. That I used for marketing, with things like: "Use the fork Sluke, use the fork." Or: "May the fork be with you Sluke!" Used my Slick dot CF website as a new home for the new Slothcoin wallet version. Contacted many sources to get support. And until today Slothcoin is at the Cryptoguru website with a faucet and so on. Plus it is currently traded at two exchanges: Cryptopia and Tradesatoshi. All in all the Slothie (just like Star Trek: Trekkies) community did get the little one on track. That ment pulling it out off high difficulty, making sure blockchain split attacks with old versions were countered. Combined efforts that succeeded.

Then the permanent nodes disappeared.

A few months ago I got contacted by fellow Slothie, and good Steem friend, @juanmiguelsalas, that it was impossible to connect to the Slothcoin P2P network. It looked like the two permanent nodes were shut down. So I turned my temporary node 24/7 for a while to get the network back up again. And at some point there seemed more that had opened TCP port 5107 to build a stable P2P network again. Also I did some posting at several Social Media platforms, like Steem, to get the Slothie community up to date and ask for node support. Where Juan mentioned that all of a sudden Slothcoin was being mined with 500 Megahashes per second. For the young Sluke wallet version that was a lot! Forget CPU mining, the difficulty was only suited for GPUs! So, the little Sloth that could, did it!

Then the idea came to me to move Slothcoin to a different blockchain, to counter the P2P network challenge. And I launched the suggestion to see how this could be done. Bitshares with its User Issued Asset {UIA} seemed to offer the best solution for this. When it would be swaped to Bitshares it could take advantage of wallets and point of sales systems that supported UIAs... Now that seemed like a very solid idea. Although it would be complex and quite difficult thing to get done. Juan offered kindly to help, we spoke about it on Telegram. ( You can contact me there at ) Enthousiastic we both were about the idea that it was possible to get Slothie, that would be its UIA name, to a better home. You know, hometeam, 3-2-1-DONE blockwise. But, due to things in my personal life, let me call them challenges, I did get less confidence that I would be able to give it my full time, effort and energy. To make this work together with Juan and the rest of the Slothie community.

Bitcointalk, not my cuppa tea, really.

Have to state that I did meet some great fellow humans there, Slothies and all. But the whole atmos there, well, it is not my thing really. But because Slothcoin got announced there I had to stay in touch, or so I felt. Much that was done I had taken the innitiative for. And there were times I was unwillingly being refered to as dev. Did not feel that way, more of an adaptor, or something like that. Anyway, there was a recent reply of a hero level poster at Bitcointalk that gave me a different point of view. Basicly it implied that if I went on with the swap idea, I would basicly destroy Slothcoin. Followed by some prejudice about Bitshares and Steem. Still I kept an open mind and replied. But it also set off a trigger: This is no longer worth my time, effort and energy.

And the reply actually helped me to make a decission then and there. It helped me decide to stop taking innitiatives concerning Slothcoin. It made me realize that I moved away from outdated restrained blockchain technology, away from energy wasting POW {Proof Of Work} mining and all that is connected, like centralized exchanges flooted with those type of coins. And I had moved on, away from the Bitcointalk crypto realm, I was now into Bitshares and Steem. Just had invested in some EOS Tokens. That was to be the future. So, no more time, effort and energy put into that outdated blockchain related stuff. No, I was moving forward! That I basicly put in a reply there, that I stepped down from taking innitiatives concerning Slothcoin, though still supporting it where and when I can.

No Slothie UIA {User Issued Asset} at Bitshares then?

Well, maybe there will be, or it will be a Steem Community Token {SCT} , or a Smart Contract at EOS, but without a swap... A Slothie fan community issued Token, perhaps, who knows. The tradional Slothcoin can move on, the way it did, by POW {Proof Of Work} mining. And even if it went to sleep for a while, it can always be woken up again, thanks to the blockchain technology. If it gets stuck in high diff, I'd be willing to help out, just like before. When a blockchain split attack is tried with an older version, I'd be happy to help secure the current one. The main thing is that I am leaving innitiatives now up to others of the Slothie community, to keep the little one moving on.

Slothcoin was a great learning experience for me. Made contact with a lot of great fellow humans from all over the world. Had fun mining millions, being a multi millionair was great, so that is off my bucketlist. And giving millions of SLOTH away was even more fun. Still have a couple of million left, maybe I donate it to the faucet. A big thanks to all of you from the Slothie community and others that supported and helped Slotcoin move ahead.

All the best to you and those dear to you.

And hey... Let's stay Sloth out there!

May the Sloth be with you!

image cc-by-sa @oaldamster

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I'm glad to see this happening. It's an idea whose time has come.

Everything happens for a reason. It is all synchronicity.

May the Sloth be with you.

Slothcoin even sounds funny!

Using the UIA could be a smart move!

Hahaha, indeed it sounds fun, even can lead to misunderstandings...

"What did you just say Slut...!?"
"No, no, I said: Sloth!"

Yes UIA would be great, but then for the Slothie community as a fan based token, or something, no swap needed. Maybe airdrop, dunno yet...

First time I have heard of the coin. Sounds like it may also be the last?

Slothcoin is moving forward nicely at the moment, so I expect it to be around for quite a while. At least 3 billion left to mine. Much easier than any other coin out there. Far lower energy use in POW mining than SHA2, so I still see it move forward slothly.

What's the website? Link to the Coin?

What a cool story!

You have been through it all! What a story! I am sure the Steemit community is willing to help out in any way possible with as much as you have provided to us!

I bet you made so many important contacts in this journey!

Thank you Sevin!

Glad you like it. And it sure was an experience into which I kinda rolled without intent. Well, I learned that there are many great communities, like the Slothie one, on our beautifull planet. All with great fellow human beings being active in them.

Yet the most awesome community so far in this whole crypto realm is the one I found at Steem(It). And there has been great support for Slothcoin from fellow Steem members. It will survive...

Indeed great contacts made during that ride, but nothing can beat the Steem experience really. Again one for the hometeam, hahaha.

Whish I had all the time and energy of the world to meet with all the friends I made here... Always keep something on the buckelist.

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SLOTH is in the DogeFund

Staaaay slllooothe

Slothly all the way!