Top 80 Cryptocurrency Facts in 2018

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)


The Bitcoin creator is still mysterious legend: Satoshi Nakamoto A fictitious name of the Bitcoin creator or creators.

  1. As on Jan 2018, Nakamoto owns $16.5 Billions in bitcoin.

  2. Satoshi Nakamoto was nominated for a Nobel Prize in economic sciences in 2015.

  3. No central authority or government has control over the bitcoin currency.

  4. There are 21 million Bitcoins total of which near about 17 million are in circulation. There are almost 4 million bitcoins left that are not in circulation yet. \6. About 1000 people own 40% of total BTC in circulation.

  5. Bitcoin transaction fees are up by 1289% from March 2015 to Feb 2017.

  6. 69% of banks participated in the Infosys survey are experimenting with permissioned blockchains.

  7. Bitcoin Market cap is 283B by July 2018.

  8. 64% of Bitcoins have never been used and might never be used.

  9. Blockchain, a Bitcoin wallet raised $40M from Google ventVentures Richard Branson.

  10. Blockchain, Bitpay, Coinstream are big bitcoin startups.

  11. In 2013 FBI made $48M by selling on auction once seized 144,000 Bitcoins.

  12. Blockchain ledger technology could save 8-12B USD when used by top 10 investment bank could save $8-12B

  13. Two big bitcoin exchanges that have been hacked were Mt. Gox in 2014 and Bithump in July 2017.

  14. SatoshiDice - First Bitcoin acquisition with 128 Bitcoins in 2013.

  15. Nakowa won 11,000 BTC on a gambling site net worth was 1.3M in 2013.

  16. Chinese Mining pools control about 81% of the Bitcoin network's collective hashrate.

  17. On May,22 2010 two pizzas cost 10K Bitcions. By July 2018 their worth is upto 82,596,400 USD.

  18. Bitcoin transactions are measured in satoshi/bytes 1 Satoshi = .00000001 Bitcoin

  19. James Howell lost 7500 Bitcoins by throwing his hard drive. Wallet Lost = Totally Losing Bitcoins!

  20. Number of Bitcoins rewarded for mining halves Every 4 years. After 64 Halvings, all 21 M Bitcoins will be in circulation.

  21. After every 4 minutes, new block of coin solved.

  22. All Bitcoin transactions data is Crystal clear and can be seen on Blockchain.

  23. SHA256 - A cryptographic hash function is based in Bitcoin address creation.

  24. Bitcoin peer to peer network is more powerful than 500 Super computers put together.

  25. There is no option for refund on Bitcoin transactions. In 2016 a Bitcoiner accidentally send $137,000 instead of 5$ with no way to recover it.

  26. 17M Bitcoins are expected to be use in 10 years.

  27. The 21M Bitcoin Limit is likely to be reached in 2140 based on the mining difficulty of Bitcoin.

  28. Austin Craig and Beccy Bingham's famous, "Life on Bitcoin” showed how they lived 90 Days on Just Bitcoins.

  29. University of Nicosia, Cyprus was the first university to accept tuition fees to be paid in BTC.

  30. Virgin Galactic - A theoretical space travel adventure club agrees to accept Bitcoins as a payment.

  31. Big company that accept Bitcoin payments are Dell, Microsoft, Overstock, Dish Network, Samsung and Expedia etc.

  32. As of July 28 2018, Ripple with $18,006,189,875 and Ethereum with $47,368,716,379 Market cap are the other big cryptocurrencies following Bitcoin.

  33. 90% of all bitcoin addresses have less than 0.1 BTC.

  34. Roger Ver with 520M, Charlie Shrem with 350M are few other Bitcoin millionaires.

  35. One Bitcoin transaction consumes 3,994 Times more energy as compared to a credit card transaction.

  36. Bitcoin is a legal payment method in Japan since April 1st, 2017,

  37. Bitcoin lost about 45% of Its peak value at one point, between December 16 and December 22, 2017.

  38. CBT, Finland exempts Bitcoin from VAT and treats it as a commodity in 2014.

  39. FPS, Belgium exempts bitcoin transactions from VAT in 2014.

  40. Bitcoin has values added tax exclusion in Belgium.

  41. Bitcoin is VAT free in Switzerland. Falcon, a Swiss private bank is the first bank to sell Bitcoin to its clients.

  42. Chaisso, Switzerland satarted accepting taxes in Bitcoin since January 2018.

  43. Bitcoin is Illegal in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan, Ecuador, Morocco, Nepal, Algeria and Bangladesh.

  44. Thailand banned Bitcoin in 2013, but in 2016 Bank of Thailand proposed it is not illegal.

  45. There were 2,662 Bitcoin ATMs as of April 2018 globally.

  46. Pundi X is a new crypto based project. It’s quite simply a solution for retail businesses and individuals to start accepting and using cryptocurrency to purchase everyday items. Pundix is enabling blockchain developers and token holders to sell cryptocurrency and services on any physical stores in the world.

  47. Genesis coin with 36.01% and General Bytes with 27.64% of the market share are the biggest Bitcoin ATM producers.

  48. North America has over 80% of all Bitcoin ATMs.

  49. Liberland, the World's First 'Country' to Accept Cryptocurrencies. Liberland is a micronation, accepts bitcoin as reserve currency.

  50. Started with 3k lines of code Bitcoin core is now counting over 100k Source Lines Of Code.

  51. Once all Bitcoins have come to existence, transaction fees can drive miners.

  52. Kim Dotcom launched Megauload v2 which allows micropayments to be made in Bitcoins.

  53. The market cap of Bitcoin is around $141,310,404,939 as of July 28, 2018.

  54. An anonymous bitcoin millionaire behind the newly created "Pineapple Fund" has been giving away $86M to charity since Bitcoin peak in the end of 2017.

  55. Bitcoin leapt 127% in between October and Novemeber of 2017.

  56. In January, 2018, one of the biggest names in Silicon Valley, Peter Thiel's Founders Fund makes monster bet on Bitcoin, worth hundreds of millions of dollars now.

  57. In December, 2017 the US government sold Bitcoins grabbed during an opioid drug case that are now worth almost $10M.

  58. On December 30, 2017 A Kidnappers in Ukraine released a Bitcoin analyst after British company paid $1M in bitcoins as ransom.

  59. Samsung is reportedly accepting cryptocurrency payments in several Baltic States using crypto payment platform CopPay.

  60. The South Korean multinational conglomerate will be accepting crypto payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, Dash, NEM, and Steem.

  61. There are more than 1,700 different cryptocurrencies -- and the number is growing

  62. Not all cryptocurrencies are designed as payment methods. The biggest example of this is Ethereum, which is designed to use "smart contracts." For example, an Ethereum contract can allow money to be distributed only when several people agree. Ripple, the third-largest cryptocurrency, was designed specifically for the banking industry to allow efficient and quick international money transfers.

  63. Pink Taxi is an established women-only taxi that is based on blockchain technology. It has empowered hundreds of women and made them take charge of their own lives.
    Pink Taxi’s vision is to make regular day-to-day travelling less complex and more comfortable, using high tech technology, innovative solution for driver and customer application backed by secure and reliable data base over blockchain.

  64. Coti is an acronym for “Currency of the Internet” and has set out to contest with traditional payment processors such as Visa, Mastercard and PayPal.

  65. Explorio is the world’s first decentralized travel reviews platform that’s based on blockchain technology.

  66. The AITrading team is about to launch their decentralized, Artificial Intelligence-based trading tool.

  67. Arround has set out to become the world’s first decentralized advertising solution in Augmented Reality (AR).

  68. Crypto Angel is an AI-powered and blockchain-based virtual life assistant capable of understanding and predicting human intentions.

  69. Sentigraph is an exciting new blockchain and AI-powered platform used to gauge the sentiments of users’ reactions to future events by using an enhanced algorithm and leveraging the cognitive abilities of IBM Watson.

  70. MATRIX is an open source public intelligent blockchain platform designed to usher in a new generation of blockchain technology by leveraging the latest AI technological advancements to resolve the industry’s challenges.

  71. SingularityNET is a full-stack decentralized protocol which lets anyone create, share, and monetize AI services at scale.

  72. Menlo One is a framework for building decentralized applications with the speed of a traditional web app.

  73. Flixxo is a community based video distribution platform like Youtube. You can support your favorite video creators by sharing their content with other users and get rewarded with state-of-the-ant flixx tokens.

  74. The QuarkChain ICO is raising funds toward the fastest multi-layer, peer-to-peer transaction blockchain.

  75. The blockchain market is expected to be $3 Trillion by 2024.

  76. Blockchains are highly transparent, because anyone with access to a blockchain can view the entire chain.

  77. Just like with the internet, there will be jobs that become obsolete. But, there will be new careers that we haven’t even dreamed up yet that will be created as a result of the blockchain transformation.

  78. In terms of its development, blockchain is where the internet was 20 years ago.

  79. OneCoin is the largest cryptocurrency in terms of user base. OneCoin have 3.4M users around the world and the coin will be launch to open market in the end of 2019.

  80. Satoshi Nakamoto made the Bitcoin software in 2008 and made it open source in January 2009.
    And in 2010, Satoshi disappeared. Some people even suggest that Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi, and Motorola together created Bitcoin, as you can tell from their names:
    “Satoshi Nakamoto”…

Samsung and Toshiba together makes —- Satoshi
Nakamichi and Motorola together makes —- Nakamoto

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