Cryptocurrency whales are destroying Steemit

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

Good Afternoon Steemit Members,

This small portion of my blog is meant to be short, simple, and straight to the point.
Pardon my language, BUT FUCK ALL OF YOU WHALES, ELITIST, PRETENTIOUS, AND MONEY GUZZLING USERS. Out of courtesy, I've decided not to name the many that I've encountered here....(feel free to drop names in comments in you want to, at your discretion). THIS DOES NOT mean every whale is bad.......

If you are a whale here on this platform, then you know the amount of influence your vote, posts, and essentially every action you do has on the community. The lovely thing about this platform is that it is very transparent....which means that even the lowest of the low whether beneficial or superficial to this community....CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE SELF-VOTING, CAN SEE THAT YOU AND YOUR "ENTITLED" "FOLLOWERS"[yes I put both separately in quotations] ARE THE ONLY REASON YOUR BLOGS/INCOME IS SUSTAINABLE. You are nothing but a front for the real world problems that exist where the %1 continues to keep wealth in their own hands without helping out the community.

Definition of community as defined by Merriam-Webster:
a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society....

Plenty of communities exists in Steemit that make my heart warm.....while I see other communities who are oppressive and simply want to keep themselves as high as possible. It's upsetting to see that wealth has become the priority with some of these whales.

no whales.png

Steemit is meant for the community to thrive off each other in productive, creative, and individual ways that creates positive integration. I've slowly integrated myself in particular communities where I see some of the big fish making positive changes for the community. This is what causes stability. Instability occurs when the top fish want to just drain the swamp whenever it's most beneficial.

Comment. Resteem. Upvote. Discuss. Let me hear your opinions.
Do what you feel benefits the community...while some of you strive to be excellent by putting forth a plethora of effort....others continue to establish dominance by suppressing those who do not agree with us.....Just because someone doesn't exactly agree with you and your "analysis" doesn't mean you have to shut down the little guys by flagging, way to think about the community.... remember your roots.

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Agreed. But why should the "digital" world be different from the "real" world? This is capitalism. If you want to keep out the whales then you have to make it non-profit. Steem is not non-profit. Thats the truth.

3 points.

  1. Not everyone in the world has access to the digital or the "tubes" as people referenced it in the 90s, whether or not it's part of your daily life, that's not true to for all people.
  2. Digital vs Real world is a separate debate itself. Part of the digital world is fiat.....and that's a fact. How else would cryptocurrency exist?
  3. Capitalism is inevitable, so that's moot. Quality over quantity, it's the difference in mindset. The Capitalist mindset accepts that there should be a wealth people existing means poor people have to exist too right? Changing your ontology would allow you to perceive things different and act on "the good of all" rather than a "self-preservationist" mindset.

Appreciate your input.