ICO of the 2017 - PRE-ICO for the supporters: Money Rebel!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

What do we expect from supporting ICO projects? The most frequent answer we hear is — fast earnings! Human greed really knows no borders, but on the other hand — by supporting a real project you really get more than the opportunity to earn fast: a lot more! I dare to say that supporters will benefit the most from our project, the Money Rebel ICO. No other project offers so many benefitting features. Other projects will offer benefits to founders and advisors, yes. But not to supporters who contribute their own money!

I know this is a BOLD statement, and it needs to be supported by firm arguments. Bear with me, I will provide them in a minute. But before I do, I need to come clear about one thing — Money Rebel is not the most hyped ICO, not at all. It is true that we did not work on the FOMO effect, which might not be the smartest thing, but it surely is the fairest! There are too many great marketing projects surrounding us, too many promises, if not scams, which create unreal expectation about fast and easy profits. About securing 10x the contribution in a month, as we can read many times …

No, that is not us, that is not Money Rebel! We have worked too hard to gain the trust of more than 23,000 individuals in Slovenia, and we will not throw away our principles! Integrity, independence and putting our client’s interests before ours are most important to us. We will not throw all that away just to collect millions and then let’s see what happens … if it happens … No, we would rather not succeed than succeed in this way!

Now let’s look at the arguments.

Why is Money Rebel the best ICO for the supporters?!
Of course, everybody, who supports our project, will receive our MRP Tokens. But there is a lot more besides tokens, since every supporter will receive:

  1. Free banking account, forever!
    Can you imagine a modern mobile bank which does not charge you for account management, money transfers, ATM withdrawals and Mastercard payments? But it does offer a 10x interest rate for your saving account, as compared to the next best bank’s offer, a connection between the fiat and crypto money world, a selection of real licensed advisers and robo advisers, etc? No? Meet Money Rebel at bank.moneyrebel.io.

  2. Exclusive access to the MR Kriptel.de PRO
    MR Kriptel.de is an investment product, which is currently only available to a selected group of our clients, but will be accessible to all the Money Rebel Platform supporters. It is based on the fully operational automatic trading platform Krip.to. It uses a unique trading strategy, which enables it to conduct arbitrage between crypto pairs (for example BTC/ETH) and crypto/fiat pairs (BTC/EUR). By using this strategy, MR Kriptel.de has managed to gain a net monthly profit of 1%-1.5%, which is 16% annually.

By collaborating with the Jozef Stefan Institute we will upgrade the investment product into the MR Kriptel.de PRO. This is how we will improve the trading strategy by using artificial intelligence. We will enable many more investors to gain access to this investment strategy. Only those who support the development of the platform by purchasing the MRP tokens, will be enabled to invest directly in MR Kriptel.de PRO — the 2x sum of their investment in Money Rebel.

  1. Guarantee this is not a scam!
    Yes, unfortunately every good idea unleashes bad ideas as well. Scams have become part of cryptocurrency world. There are many, and there will be more — money does make some people crazy. That is why we cannot stress enough that this is a real project which solves real problems for people, and it is managed by real people. People with references, proven performance, and foremost people who will not go crazy because of a heap of money. Just check out our team references and our customer testimonials. For start you can find out more about me and my work at www.vezovisek.si/mitja (in Slovene, use translate).

  2. Total transparency.
    What is the company issuing the tokens, where is it registered? There is no dilemma with Money Rebel — we are registered in Slovenia, which is a EU member state. We are not registered in some third country. Slovenia, being among the top of the countries supporting crypto-economy, and with aspirations to become the leading state regarding the blockchain technology and start ups. The well-known crypto media Cointelegraph published an article on that, you can find it HERE!

  3. The most for your money!
    The price of Bitcoin is at its historical high. This means that right now you get the most MRP Tokens for every bitcoin transferred into the Money Rebel ICO wallet. Every bitcoin or ether we get is first calculated into Euro (Bitstamp exchange rate is used), then the number of euros is multiplied by 20 to calculate the number of MRP Tokens. We will add the PREICO 15% bonus you can receive, after registering at presale.moneyrebel.io.

For those who do not yet operate with cryptocurrency we have partnered with BitIns and completely streamlined and lowered the price of participation — funds can be transferred directly from your bank account, and you do not even need a crypto wallet. And, yes, we did manage to lower the price of money exchange service, provided by BitIns, for more than 50%!
Besides all this, maybe the most important thing is, that this project is connecting the two worlds.

The new (crypto) and traditional money (fiat) world. Because most of the current supporters came from the fiat world this means that we bring new, fiat customers, into the crypto world. This is how we are opening the market, raising awareness, educate, and, most important of all — we are raising the value of crypto currencies and tokens, as we are injecting new money into the crypto economy.
Why is the MRP Token going to be among the most stable tokens? How will it grow value in the long run?

Public initial token offerings are becoming more and more popular. Because the regulation is weak, almost anybody can do it, even if it is about the financial operation of raising capital, sharing value (tokens, in this case), and getting listed on an exchange. This is where the story, often, for most people without financial knowledge, ends, even though it should only just begin. The supporters expect a product, but even more — they expect their investment to grow. And this is where most of the ICOs fail — they run out of knowledge and interest.

We, the founders of Money Rebel, are experienced finance and wealth managers, we manage the assets of hundreds of customers, worth together tens of millions of Euros. We have more than 20 years of experience, we know how to trade stocks, forex, invest in traditional and alternative investments. We have survived through numerous ups and downs in the market, therefore we know what influences the price of a financial instrument — as opposed to others, who just let their token flow in the market with limited liquidity. That is why we are planning for a marketing campaign after the ICO, and we have foreseen to spend some of the contributed funds on it.

Besides, we will use our crypto arbitrage platform and our partners Quantum Project (their founder is also the founder of Bitstamp) to provide permanent growth, liquidity and stability of our token.
So, now we all know why money Rebel is the best ICO for supporters. If we think again — for whom are the initial coin offerings intended? For supporters, of course!

Because therefore we all gain access to all the interesting early stage projects — that is when the biggest parts of the cake are cut! We want you to have a piece of that cake, enjoy it — but be careful and only support the projects that put your interest in front of their own! Money Rebel for sure is such a project!

For additional information visit http://www.moneyrebel.io

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