Secure PIVX Masternode Tool - SPMT

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


Are you a PIVX Masternode owner? Or interested in becoming one?

You can now use our Secure Pivx Masternode Tool (SPMT) to securely manage multiple PIVX masternodes while keeping the collateral safely stored on Ledger Nano S hardware wallets.

All information can be found on our GitHub by clicking here. It includes a detailed readme explaining all the steps from setting it up, checking the status, spending Masternode rewards and more.



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That's cool. Now pivx masternode holders don't have to buy a hosting which always has the potential to get hacked to host a master node.

this is great! thanks PIVX <3

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Mitigating the risk and cost, one of the distinct mission that always PIVx wins agains the rest of the altcoins.. Kudos to the PIVx development team.

This is so good for the PIVX network - well done guys! :)

Awesome! As an aspiring masternode operator, it is re-assuring to know that I can sleep easy knowing that my collateral is securely tucked away in my Ledger Nano S.

this is the best for the pivx network. Pivx always goes beyond, excellent.

Pivx is not only the best currency, it always goes further, guides you and orders you to do things correctly so that it continues to function and provide the privacy and security that characterizes it.