Is it still worth mining?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Hey hey guys and gals!

Nex here, sorry for not posting more often, I wish we could spare more time to cover stuff but we have been extremely busy with work!

But let's cut to the chase...

Is it still worth mining?!


Well, Me and NuuuNNN really go well together, like sushi and soy sauce or fries and a huge juicy burger.

Because, although me and him have different points of view, we try to reach an understanding!

So on NuuuNNN's behalf I will divide this post into both our views and give you a final combined overview!

NuuuNNN's Belief

¨Cryptocurrency is still being taken in by the masses, while Bitcoin for example has been here for several years, it hasn't reached it's full potential - simply because everyone isnt' really aware of what it does, or how to obtain it.

To put simply, cryptos aren't the new internet just yet, because no one can buy commodities or electronics - for example a TV- with Bitcoin or any other crypto.

It is this lack of widespread usage that I see as a huge drawback to the massive overtaking of cryptocurrency of the money distribution systems that exist already.

And this only creates several, isolate and weak, attempts at creating something that could potentially shape the world as we know it.

So to answer the mining question - if mining is worth it -

It is as worthy as you are willing to make it so

We have a written rule -

Never invest more than you are willing to lose without crying¨

( at this point he looked piercingly at me)

And if you playing the waiting game and know what you are doing - you will eventually profit.

Nex's Belief

Myself? I'm more of a dreamer. You see, while NuuuNNN takes a more cynical approach to mining - after all it's his area of study - I believe in the hollistics aspect of things.

Huge Spoiler : I'm a sucker for stories - You can sell to me anything as long as you make me believe

Which is a feat, since I too take a careful approach to anything new, including the wonderful crypto space.

But I digress.

The point for me is, it is super worth mining if

You are willing to put in the hours and money needed

It's not so much as what you stand to lose, but what you stand to gain!

You see, if you truly invest into something - anything really - you will get results from it.

I say you need a cause, something to stand for, to fight for - and thus mining will be worth your while.

It gives you focus and drive - and armed with those, men with far less have surely done far more.

Combined Summary

Is mining still worth it?

Depends on what your beliefs are. If you wish for a quick buck, you might find yourself at a loss.

But if you take your chances in a calculated manner and do your research you might find yourself earning quite a good ROI from your efforts.

Remember our two major points:

1 - Never invest more than you are willing to lose.

2 - Fight for something, find a cause, and keep moving forward.

Hope this post settles the doubt for all you newcomers and older players around here!

Cheers, Nex

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Good article. I support mining since I am in fire about it last weeks. :)

We are in the same boat belive us! :)

Nice post! I feel like mining is a bit like this for me...

You sir made me laugh so hard right now! Thank you for your appraisal :) @correctdrop

Well... mining generally works (cost/earn) only in countries with low energy costs. This is, every country except the western hemisphere. ;-)