Ever since cryptocurrency has been existing, exchanging it for fiat or other cryptocurrency have been one of the most important things that all investors have in common. Which have caused the high raising of different scamming cases, most exchanges are centralized and also control by centralized body, those that are decentralized are not having much liquidity to trade with and also they can be best described as a tortoise when we want to talk about there User Experience (UX).
While some crypto enthusiasts are trying to scale through all those above stress, they then fall into scam victim. Which is one of the reasons why the government is still having zig-zag trust about cryptocurrency and blockchain.
I can recall the government speech stated that "We only need blockchain, but not bitcoin". I am sure this case of scamming will be part of their reasons if we ask them. Yezcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that brings to us the solution to all above problem.
Yezcoin want to do to you what Momma will do to her child (care about you). Yezcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrencies exchange that is willing to be fully secure and faster than what others have been brought to us. Yezcoin plan to be SEC approve in many different countries in other to bring Satoshi dream into existence.
Most cryptocurrency enthusiasts do think we can fully remove government from all this but hey! this can only be done in two ways. The first is not possible (To remove government totally), while the other option can't be possible too (Removing crypto from blockchain).
There is some aspect the government needs to come in even though they don't have to act like "The bossman in this sphere". And to bring cryptocurrency and blockchain to the whole world, they will still be one we need. Banning here and there for crypto's ain't cool on investors.
So, in this case Yezcoin want to be most fully SEC approved cryptocurrency exchange in the world. This will bring cryptocurrency usage to more people in the world. Yezcoin also creates a DEX wallet for crypto's, this will be one of the best and easy to use crypto wallet.
Here are some Dapp's Yezcoin is having for us;
Hybrid Cryptocurrency Exchange:- This will be the most secure and 100% KYC&AML platforms. Yezcoin believe with crypto users to be traced when they do illegal acts will make them sobber if at all they have some kind of criminal acts to do. This will be handled in a decentralized way and nobody can cheat or link your data to the third-party.
Governments are only banning cryptocurrency not only because they don't have control over it, but because there is no real data of users. I mean in the case of Anti Money Laundering, cryptocurrency can be easily used for this without government have anything to do but if there is data of users, a thief can then be separate from real people.
This hybrid exchange will also be having a very nice User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX).Decentralized Cryptocurrency Wallet:- As I said up there, this will be one of the easiest and secure crypto wallets to use. Even nobs can easily understand this wallet. Most nobs are backing off because of so many complexities in crypto's, hard to use exchanges, hard to use a wallet, to sell crypto into fiat ain't easy and so on. Those are also the reasons why Yezcoin is bringing it for us in a simplified way.
Yezcoin AI:- There are some stuff attached to this but the one that makes me happy most is the fact that one can know if he/she is sending cryptocurrencies to any scam wallet address. This has never been done by the project before but Yezcoin bring it to live.
I am sure by now you will like to read more about Yezcoin, please head up to Yezcoin WhitePaper for more information about this great project.
Yezcoin will be starting their intail coin offer very soon, which member who finds their work amazing can buy into it. But before then you can earn some of the coins some simple tasks. For more gist about this please head to http://yezcoin.com for more info.
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