in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 


Well the problem in our world is increasing due to rise in carbon emissions in air and its deploying the atmosphere which is protecting us from the ultra violet rays and carbon emission is also affecting human health which is a serious issue. So nowadays solution to this is renewable energy which is advanced technology its quite expensive which is why consumers hesitate to use and its slow too.

This is why zerocarbonproject is initiated, this zero carbon energy which can be used by the consumers with blockchain and carbon credits instead of expensive renewable energy. It is a subsidiary of beond as beond is an industry which took an initiation for helping to tackle the global climate issue and beond industry has received many awards for working toward the green business and other social services.

There is advantage of using zero carbon energy as customers who will consume zero carbon energy will be rewarded with energies token for tackling the carbon emission in the world and other rewards that consumers will gain if they switch to zero carbon energy which are catalyst for change and interests with goals. Carbon credits are the compensation awarded to the consumers and customers can sell these energies tokens to other customers online. Renewable energy such as wind, wave and batteries then nuclear energy and bio fuels then carbon neutral are the technologies from where the zero carbon energy can be sourced from. Zero carbon markets is mostly lower price than other renewable energy.

The zero carbon projects has team of professional and expertise in consultation and technologies. There are members who has 18 -19 years of experience who worked in energy industry and also team consist of members with software development and also members who are experienced in accounting and management. And Derek Myers is the CEO of zero carbon project on the other hand Alastair Hutson who is Europe director and managing director of beond.

Zero carbon project is a project started to replace renewable energy which is expensive as consumers want to participate in green earth but customers don’t want to use it cause its expensive that’s why zero carbon project is initiated and its cheap which is easy to use and consumers will be benefitted if they change to zero carbon energy and will get rewards such as energise tokens and also compensation. This project has no doubt that it will be successful as its globally scalable. The main aim of the project is to reduce carbon emissions and saving costs while using this energy.

To contribute and know more about the project you may visit some of the following Links:

Zero Carbon Project website :
Telegram group :
ANN/Bounty threads :

BTT Username: Rayed
BTT URL:;u=1944534

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Simply this is awesome project. You described very well. Good job

Thank you. Please don't forget to check out the links that I provided.

Was a good read. Thanks for sharing information sir

You welcome. Please do check out the links to know more about the project.