Here is a growing list of coins which I think are candidates for 100x growth in the future.
The list contains the name, acronym, rating provided by, exchanges where they can be found and some notes.
Name | Acronym | Rating x out of 5 | Exchanges | Notes |
Basic Attention | BAT | 3.8 | Binance, all major | |
Storiqa | STQ | 3.5 | coinbene, hitbtc | |
Oyster | PRL | 3.4 | cryptopia, kucoin | |
Elastos | ELA | 3.5 | huobi | maybe for later |
Matrix AI Network | MAN | 2.7 | etherdelta | launches mainnet this year |
Enigma | XNG/ENG | 3.7 | binance | mainnet this year |
Travala | AVA | - | Switcheo Network (NEO) | decentralized, former |
Self Sell Coin | SSC | 3.1 | OKEx | Sells yourself for the future rock star in you |
IOSToken | IOST | 3.2 | Binance, KuCoin, OKEx, Huobi | Strong buy recommendation from coinchekup TA |
This list needs further study and narrow down before an actual investment.
Enjoy and do some more research on each of them. Waiting for your comments.
I plan to eventually update the list to reflect which ones I bought and maybe the progress over one or two years time.
Credits for many of the items in the list go to CryptoZombie