Crypto Diaries VOL 1 : My Story On Discovering Bitcoin, and my first two investments : Reddcoin vs. Steem !!!!!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

                                                                           Crypto Diaries  

                                                                                  VOL : 1 

       My Story On Discovering Bitcoin, and my first two investments: Reddcoin vs. Steem!



               Being fairly brand new to crypto currency  I find myself becoming more and more consumed by the Crypto Market, and the financial revolution it has been causing for the last decade. I first heard about Bitcoin from a coworker in the winter of 2015 . He always was the one telling us all about different ways of getting money, or trying to flip your money. From what I can remember he had also mentioned that the price of Bitcoin was around $400 close to $500; Not really knowing how it works I just said to myself "I don't have $500.  Of course, because of that I let the wave slip me by and was stuck on " Lonely Fiat Island."  I was afraid of the unknown , So I went on about my life. The word "BITCOIN" was never mentioned or even heard of again till Winter of 2017. 

              Now 2'1/2 years  later I have finally caught another wave of new early investors that hit me so hard I couldn't ignore it ( "This is the moment Regina realized she ......F@$%K UP)  Seeing the price of Bitcoin at $10,000 had my jaw opened, I had immediately remembered my co worker trying to say get in on this. At that moment I began to try and breathe and make it to the surface  ... This wave was not about to pass me again.  Now that you know a little more about me I can start by saying Social Media has the greatest influence on man kind right now and the crazy part about it; is that compared to the world population its still  a small amount of us using it. The internet is like the big bang theoy.... shit blew up and is still expanding.   

   Because of this ReddCoin was the first coin that caught my eye. It is a social media tipping system that basically allows you to send your favorite influencer  ("Reddcoins") as a payment for your enjoyment of their content on most social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter.

                                                For Those Who Don't Know About ReddCoin! 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Source: Reddcoin
                 Published on Aug 2, 2014


           I can only wonder if the recent news of  Major Companies like Google and Facebook working to ban all crypto ads is a good look for Reddcoin.  Does this affect the company? I myself think that if adopted, Reddcoin will blow social media crypto away. But, the challenges lie in these companies that as of right now; want nothing to do with crypto. Steemit, on the other hand gives me so much excitement because its a website that is up and running and has grown tremendously in the last year since its adoption.  Regardless if crypto ads are blocked; Steemit has its own community and generates wealth within its own system. 

   To be honest I don't know what the future holds for Reddcoin its still too early to tell ... Because i didn't spend a ridiculous amount of money on it I'm just leaving it there to either grow or grow lol. (Staying Optimistic) It has insanely huge potential.  Maybe as a response to Steemit Facebook would have to adopt Reddcoin you never know.  Lately I have been more excited about Steemit obviously because of the opportunities one has at this very moment.  I still have faith in Reddcoin, but as a new investor I'm quickly learning that each project needs to be something that you truly believe in.. For me its not just about making money but its about building a brand  freedom and stability for myself and my family. 

* What Do you guys think about RDD compared to Steemit 

* Which one do you favor ? 

*How did you discover Crypto Currency ?

LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Please be gentle I'm still new to Crypto World and am learning :)

Follow me on here and all other Social Media @ReginaYvette88

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