Well that was fast... Coinbase decides to reverse course and support Bitcoin Cash?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 


Coinbase is now stating they will support Bitcoin Cash.

You don't say?!

Funny what a few potential lawsuits will do to get you to change your mind about things...

Sometimes people just need a good kick in the shorts before they start doing things the right way.

That and perhaps seeing that Bitcoin Cash is a multi billion dollar market and one of the top 5 cryptocurrencies might have had something to do with it.
Timeline of Events.

Several weeks ago Coinbase originally stated that they would not support Bitcoin Cash and didn't have any intention to once it began trading.

As you can imagine their customers were not happy.

In fact, claims of fraud and scam even started to be uttered by coinbase customers as they were thinking Coinbase would be keeping the Bitcoin Cash for themselves.

Which, considering they are one of the largest Bitcoin exchanges on the planet would make for quite a windfall.

That was soon put to rest by a spokeswoman from Coinbase when she stated that if Coinbase ever decided to support Bitcoin Cash, then all of the customer Bitcoin Cash that was obtained would be sent out to their customers.

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This will get the conspiracy blog going ....