Cryptocurrency has been tipped to be the future currency with an insight of large market in time to come. Many people have adopted the uses of cryptocurrency due to its features which supersede the physical cash.
Exchange is a very vital aspects of this new invention which need to be consider. The exchange is a like a marketplace for trading of cryptocurrency and other fiat currency. Everyday, there are many ICO and thousands of different kind of token surfacing, meanwhile no enough and standard exchange to accommodate all. Though, there are many cryptocurrency exchange but many battling with different kind of challenges which directly and indirectly discouraging many people to invest in cryptocurrency.
ChaoExchange has taken time to studied those challenges facing cryptocurrency exchange and come up with the solutions which lead to the creation of ChaoExchange.
ChaoEx is a cryptocurrency exchange for trading of cryptocurrency and fiat with features that enhance trading at large.
ChaoEx is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that has no government regulations guiding them as every activities are being manage by the users. ChaoEx is not just an exchange that left the users alone but an exchange that offer adequate trading and customers services to the users.
Cryptocurrency is a new invention which I believe many people are novice about and trading in exchange will be difficult for them; meanwhile not every exchange offer good trading direction to the users,making the novice lose their cash due to the uncertainty in crypto market.
Many exchange lack the features to secure users fund and data, thereby giving rooms to hacker to penetrate users accounts and move away with their fund.
Some exchange are just too greedy by placing high charges on every transaction that take places at their exchange.
Low liquidity in an exchange affects the price of a coin/token. Take for example, if there is 20 sell orders and we have just 5 buy orders, definitely the price is going to reduce since sellers have no option.
There are still many other challenges but let me stop here.
The good news is that ChaoEx is on to subdue and resolve those mentioned challenges above.
ChaoEx is an exchange with necessary trading tools to gives direction to the traders of the platform on when and how to invest on the crypto of their choice. ChaoEx exchange will be user friendly which can be access through the web and also through a mobile devices either android or iOS compatible.
ChaoEx exchange take security of the platform as a top priority guaranty the users that their fund is safe and secure. This exchange also supports transparency and nothing will be done without the consent of the users.
The ChaoEx offer low transaction fees which make them outstanding among other exchange. The exchange will be able to command many transaction within some seconds and get deliver in sort period of time.
ChaoEx accommodate the trading of many cryptocurrency ranging from Bitcoin to Ethereum, EOS, Ripple, and so many others. There will be no space for irregularity at the platform as there is stage for “know your customers (kyc) from kyc 1 to kyc 3.
As an investors, just be happy because ChaoExchange is available to take trading of cryptocurrency to another height level.
For more information, kindly visit any of the official links below:
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