Cryptonomos / Giga Watt presents WTT Token : 12,801,243 TOKENS SOLD, $1.10 CURRENT BUY PRICE

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

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Giga Watt provides turnkey mining services and custom packages tailored to clients’ needs: full range of mining services from equipment sales, maintenance and repair to private blockchain servicing.

BEST HOME FOR YOUR MINING : The world’s first full-service mining solution provider

27 Days
1 Hour
20 Minutes

Shoutout to @taylortown for bringing this coin to my attention


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Great innovation for those whom want more "control" over the mining power they own, this way when genesis or others tank you still have the equity of your miner. also a more profitable earning cycle

Don't know what to think about this. Is it interesting for us? I think I will just stick to Genesis

Yeah I'm with genesis, just thought it was cool