Firing Back At Crypto Critics - They Hate Us Cuz They Ain't Us

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

When a mainstream news source or publication like CNBC or even a site like Yahoo Finance posts an article about Bitcoin and/or Cryptocurrency it's amazing the negative response you see in the comments. Not just that there's a few negative comments but that it dominates the comments and garners tons of upvotes. It actually seems as if many people are cheering for the downfall of cryptocurrency.

While some of the comments are stupid one liners like "tulips", "beanie babies", and "I have a bridge to sell you". Others show how uneducated the mainstream populace is about cryptocurrency. Many people seem shocked to find out that yes you really can cash Bitcoin or crypto out and turn it into real fiat Dollars. They seem to think the whole thing is a scam and nobody has ever cashed out. There's all types of other mis-information and criticism being spouted like Bitcoins can be counterfeitted, or that the government is going to ban them, even though the most recent Senate Banking Committee meeting with the SEC and CFTC was actually fairly positive and bullish in regards to cryptocurrency.

I think early adopters of Bitcoin or really anyone involved with any movement or organication or team should try to be an Ambassador for their interest. To educate people on it, help people who are interested get started, etc. I think where a lot of us attend Bitcoin Meetups and/or talk with likeminded people on Crypto subreddits, the real people we should be talking to and debating with are the more mainstream people and investors who don't know about crypto or have questions, or even who are skeptical about it.

In this video I picked 20 random comments from Yahoo Finance Bitcoin and Crypto articels and we kind of address and debate these topics in this video.

Feel free to drop a comment. What are some other criticisms you hear about Crypto. Are there any additional points you would like to make. Drop a comment below and let me know...

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I used to post about crypto a lot on Facebook and people just loved to see the crash and were happy to message me about it to prove they were "right." I told people that it was cool if they didn't believe in crypto, most people didn't think that the internet was going to be popular. One guy had the nerve to tell me that I was wrong and that everyone believed in the internet when it was created. I proceeded to argue (well, I don't argue with anyone, more like debate which I still hate doing lol) that YES people didn't believe in the internet, they also didn't believe in electricity, the auto mobile and the telephone when they were invented. I finally just had to say, you know what, I'm going to agree to disagree. What is the point of getting upset about it?! One of us will be right. I just have a lot more to gain if I am.

I don't personally use Facebook but your right Facebook is probably even worse than Yahoo comments lol. I love having a debate or talking with Bitcoin with people who are skeptical but are interested in learning more or at least open to hearing about it but your right some people have their mind made up and there's no point in even having a discussion because you can't argue with someone who just says it's like Tulips or who doesn't even know enough to construct a legitimate arguments. There definitely are legitimate concerns or criticisms of crypto but few people against it are even well informed enough to make those arguments and just resort to name calling or saying its a ponzi scheme.

I found your example of the internet funny and it made me think of this photo...

Ugh I wish I would have found this picture when I was debating with my It’s too late now to be like here ya go! I’m right! 😂 sigh.

People on those mainstream news articles always seem very negative regardless of the topic. It's like they just go on there to let off steam

They want to see crypto fail because if it does then they didnt miss out on an amazing opportunity...but they will be disappointed :)

Sean reminds me of my dad when I told him bitcoin was superior to the USD. I likes this video. You should do more like this.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment