in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

The Problem

Fog, from what we observe in weather patterns is something similar to clouds but closer to use. This is the whole idea behind fog computing and it’s probably what inspired the name. The cloud-based system that the internet has been running on and the protocols that are becoming rudimentary such as HTTP will not serve us efficiently in this age where everyone and everything is connected or connecting to the internet. Systems such as IPFS and FOG are the future of internet.

These are the only systems that can match the scalability required in this digital age. Their combined use makes sharing and access of data far much faster, easier and simpler. All are in support of the decentralization of the data that we would like to access using the internet. They bring the data closer to the end user through the use of edge devices.

The Solution

Blockchain is the other technology that is making systems and networks more efficient. The Foglink Company wants to unite fog and blockchain to come up with a fog blockchain network that will utilize idle hardware and storage resources to provide connectivity solutions to their users. Hardware will be connected to the Foglink platform through the Foglink OS which can be installed on any device. Foglink also plans to have their own hardware devices that will support their platform. The FNKOS Box will support all services that Foglink intends to provide to its users.

The Foglink platform is all about supporting the future of computing and of data storage and access. The aim of Foglink is to have as many users as possible who have installed their O.S or have their hardware. Part of their hardware includes a blockchain mobile phone which will be the first of its kind in the world. The mobile phone will fog computing and ensure safety of all the applications in the smartphone among other services. Having an extensive and populous user base would make them create localized areas where their product is in use and therefore increase the speeds and overall efficiency of data sharing within that locality.

Efficiency is Key

A large user base will ensure more nodes which can handle the demands of edge computing. Foglink will reward its users for providing these services using their FNKOS tokens. The Proof of Contribution consensus algorithm will be used to determine the reward given to each user upon completion of a task. FNKOS can be used for the purchase of products and services offered by Foglink.

The Foglink platform will make it easier for developers to develop efficient and reusable software. This opens up more potential uses for Foglink. Codes can also be edited locally by developers before being applied on the Foglink blockchain thus increase the convenience of Foglink. The use of C++ also increases efficiency of the platform. IBM ESB and FNK systems are employed in the Foglink architecture.

The main aim is to have a system that can process data quickly and still remain stable. By using these two systems, Foglink can achieve stability, security and faster data processing on their devices and their network.

The Future

Ultimately, Foglink can prove to be a great tool for the future especially with the massive adoption of IoT. With the incentives it has in place, it could have a populous base that will help it provide efficient data storage and access solutions.

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