Reasons To Invest In VISIO Before It's Too Late

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


VISIO Won't Be Cheap To Buy In For Much Longer

Before I dive too deep into my reasons for the crypto community to break down and take a hard look at the crypto VISIO, I do want to be up front and let those know that aren't aware that I do work with this project. I run their marketing and have been with them for the last few months but with that aside, I am diving into this as unbiased as I can be about this crypto because I think a lot of people are missing the marks on what the team behind this project are doing and its huge potentials to come not far in the coming weeks.

With my disclosure about my status with this project aside, lets dive into what the current COINMARKETCAP is showing at this very moment for VISIO:


$0.069176 (-6.44%) 0.00001878 BTC (+1.88%)

After a great rise to around $0.08 teetering on $0.09 USD a coin yesterday we have hit a small but very supported dip this morning in correction I believe for a short moment. A very healthy looking buy and sell wall seems to be securing for Visio, mainly over at YoBit where we tend to see more movement in our exchanges the most.

I firmly believe the larger buy ins that have been happening this week is due to a very fast approaching Alpha release and long term holders have begun to anticipate more need to hold vs short which is becoming very prevalent within our charts over the course of the last week or so. Of course this is crypto and we have no crystal ball what one day to the next will bring but as a kind of insider to this project, I have pretty stern confidence with what I know is coming out with Alpha soon...the change machine we have been should fast become a thing of the past.

Prices Aside, What Are Investors Bothering With Visio For? The Use Case

Of course prices mean only 1/5 of what matters to anyone pondering a crypto investment. Use cases, plans for a longevity built and backed development, and of course appeal to the outside world is vastly important for those looking at something more long term to hold onto. Well when it comes to VISIO there is so much involved in this areas and a key reason why I personally signed on with them to work and hold their coin as well. Here is a rough breakdown of what VISIO is and will be:


The central concept of the Visio Platform is to establish a global database, synchronized via blockchain and offering access to data, functions, tokens, etc. through the distributed IPFS network.

There is no centralized database. Each VisioNode will run as a web server with its own IPFS gateway. This means that each user will be able to save their simple web to blockchain, restore it to each node, and provide data to anyone in the IPFS network via the built-in CMS (Content Management System).

The result will be a decentralized global database and a distributed network that delivers content through nodes without a central server. Each node can be used for different purposes with a different data subset. The entire system, including users, content, rights, will be managed by the community.

CMS will be able to work with groups as well. So the content owner can be a group. When a group receives a donation, it can be shared by the group owner/manager. This is just another of the many groundbreaking features of Visio platform, which make it an excellent choice for developing video, audio, files, etc.

Upon completion of the alpha version and internal tests, the project will be freely available in git.

You can view Visio on many levels, first we have a POS system with our wallet. Users can stake their coins for earnings while securing the network. On the other side of the coin is the Platform which is a very serious decentralized system that will allow any format of file type to be distributed from peer to peer and have many options for those who want to monetize their work to their audiences. Give it freely or make what you deserve, VISIO is putting that empowerment within your own hands.


More On The POS Currency Side To VISIO

As a recent kind of proof the need for serious investors to take a harder look into Visio. The POS Network Weight has gone through the roof over the course of the last few weeks. We approached 22 Million Visio coins being staked on the network last night and that is a huge milestone to see so much strong hands holding our network firmly in place. What I gather is shifting for Visio is a major investor confidence move to hold due to the coming ALPHA release. This also means as I am looking more on the exchanges we are on, the supply is getting thinned out which should in turn create a nice scarcity drive in price if the trend continues as it appears to be doing.

The Visio mineable stage is well past over so we are completley Proof of Stake at this current stage. Not only that but our system runs very well and one of the other selling points for me to come to work for Visio is the speed of transactions are fast and the wallet is to me a flawless setup compared to many young POS coins out there. Our dev team did a great job on the currency side to Visio and well worth downloading the wallet to see for yourself.

Masternodes and The Platform: Fast Approaching Visio Advancements

The Visio Platform is going to be widely different than what most masternode holders are used to. Very soon we should have the start to implementing masternodes and masternodes will not only secure the network like most node setups but also be the hosting providers due to the IPFS implementations within the platform. Each masternode will host 50 TB of hard drive space so content creators have space to store their work, thus in turn there will be major incentive to masternode holders to keep the system going and rewarded fairly for their contribution to the Visio Platform.

In place right now our development team is hard at work to slam out the ALPHA phase to the public. Not only have they nailed the roadmap we had in store but as our team tends to do they have also begun to include some surprising extra features that will keep end users more secure, give them more control, and place better tools in their hands to make using Visio as friendly as possible. We are so close to public consumption that its at a moment I suggest outsiders to dig in and get a grasp of what is coming for them. Get in our slack, visit our website, or simply keep an eye on those markets because Visio in my personal opinion will not be so cheap to buy in soon.


In Closing, I Want To Thank The Visio Team For Their Help To My Family During Hurricane Irma

Recently many of us Floridians had to endure Hurricane Irma and the devastation she left behind in her path. My fiance, her boys, my son, and my parents had to hunker down and ride this very storm out due to being Floridians ourselves. The Visio team were amazing through this, they made sure to take charge of my work areas for me while I was down without power and make sure we had enough supplies pre-storm to get through this scary moment for our family. There isn't even words I can express enough to them for being so good to us and helpful when times got rough, and due to the family atmosphere in Visio I truly hope to see all their hard work pay off because this is not only a genius filled developmental team but a team of honest and integrity filled individuals I rarely get to see within crypto coins. If the tech doesn't sell you, or the coming advancements to help the world decentralize how they share content...well I bet only one conversation with these guys in their Slack will easily sell you due to the fact these guys develop from a place and need to help the world which I am proud to stand next to and be a part of every day.

To the Visio Team, I know I have thanked you a lot for the help through the Hurricane but once again it's something my family will never forget and one key reason I am in this for the long haul to do all I can for this great project. You may feel you didn't do much for us but it was beyond anything most would have done and something we will never forget!


Check Us Out, Get Involved, Be A Part of the Visio Family

Ultimately what you invest in should be well researched and with major education before you buy into anything. My words here are only coming from a place of education and research myself before getting involved with Visio and I hope anyone that puts eyes on Visio does their homework for themselves. My suggestion is to swing by our Slack, ask the driving questions and feel out the community well before you lock into what we have going on in Visio. Swing by and hang out with me in the Slack here (I am user sflaherty there as well):

We are available on YoBit, NovaExchange, and if you would like to take a deeper look at the current movement on Visio. We have plans to spread to more exchanges, have a few in the works but the main focus right now is getting this development done so we can place the final product into the hands of the users. Tech comes first with Visio and we are very close to the finale in that area. I am also ramping up the marketing as we speak, a bolder VISIO is coming and a very mature system for the world to embrace. Hope to see you in our Slack soon!

~sflaherty (Visio Marketing)

Follow me @sflaherty

Follow Visio on Steemit @visio


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Awesome write-up Steven. First off, I'm glad you and yours stayed safe. There was a void while you were gone, so it's great to have you back. Second of all, thanks for sharing with those who take the time to understand what Visio is. It will soon be one of the most coveted cryptos- and right now it's a steal at 6 or 7 cents.

Tell you what, that hurricane was touch and go there for a few hours but we lucked out. Looks like a war zone the next town over but luckily I live in a lake town, we have about 250 lakes around us so we don't easily flood seeing they dried up a lot due to years of droughts in my area. House made it, killed me a little financially but money will come thankfully lol.

I have a growing belief after a couple days of studying the markets that we are about to shift up very soon. With the team getting so close to ALPHA being done and adding in extra features, I think it will sell itself once everyone begins to take a more serious look. Have a feeling once we achieve a stable and solid 10 Cents we should find that as a new home finally, I suspect that to come very soon and where it goes from there should be much smoother.

VISIO is my hidden gem. Thank you for the updates!

Anytime, once people take the time to look more into Visio and grasp its benefits, I firmly believe we should see major movement on it. Patience up to this point I know has been hard but I can tell you this, behind the scenes myself and the dev team are preparing for a lot to put out to the public soon. Its coming, they just want to ensure the tech is solid for release but its looking very good at this stage now so I believe all of you that held in there with Visio, your going to be doing pretty great very soon. Do what I can for you guys, will try to get the updates out there as fast as I can when it comes to me, should have more info out very soon

voted and resteemed :) looking forward to see the Alpha / beta version