PS: breaks not brokes πŸ˜‚ fool me ✌ -GenC.

in cryptocurrency β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

Have you ever thought of me sparkle
Dancing in the middle of midnight stars
Gleaming in the darkness of the sky
And mingling with the glinting strips of asteroids?

Have you ever thought of me
Standing like a glamorous daisy
In the centre of sunflower crowds
Under the yellowish sunlight?

Have you wondered how I feel
Every time you post a picture
With a girl friend on Instagram
And share it on your Facebook wall?

Have you thought of paying me a visit
Every time I tell you I'm home alone
Homesick and bored
And reading my finished-read novels?

Do you mind calling me
In my darkest blue days?
And send me a funny face
When you feel like my tears start to fall so heavy ?

Have you tried scanning your gallery
And look for my pictures
That were automatically downloaded
From your long-term messenger app?

Did you think of choosing your best images
Picking the cutest stolen shots
Every time you beep me or ring me
On our secret appy conversation?

Have you imagined us
Paying time in a restaurant
And putting lots of Pepperoni
On top of our favourite pizza crust?

Did you think of what song I listen to
Every time I sit and put my headphones on
Under a tall green tree
While reading my favourite horror book?

Have you wished for me
Every moment you see a falling star
While you're mooning alone
On the edge of your rooftop?

Have you wondered
Of whom I spend my greatest admiration?
Have you ever wondered if I have a crush on someone?
Have ever you ?

Have you wondered
How I spend my day
Every time I miss you
But I cannot tell you?

Did you ever look for the best book
To present to me on Christmas day?
Or the creepiest novel to buy
For me on my birthday party?

Did it get to your mind
That I get jealous
Every time I see you smile like an idiot
Sharing your moments with your crush?

Didn't you think of I, making myself stupid
Just to hide my strange feeling for you ?
And act like a fool genius
Just to look nothing in your sight?

Have you ever wondered how I feel for you?
Have you ever wondered how much I like you ?
Have you ever wondered how much I need you ?
And have you ever wondered how much I love you?

Every time I hide my affection
The more I get drunk and crazy
The more I slowly kill myself
And the more I look like stupid

But don't you ever hesitate to cry with me
If you face your hardest friend zone
Every time you court a girl
Because in the end

I cannot forsake you
Nor push you away
Nor forget you for senseless causes
For I am your best friend

I'll be your shoulder when you have none
I'll be your clown when you forget to smile
I'll be your alarm clock to wake you up in the morning
And I'll be the one to remind you every time you forget to eat your lunch

I'll be the one to give you courage
When you can't find strength from yourself
I'll be the one to push you up
When you can't gain force to let yourself stand

When everything falls down
I'll let you hold my hands
I can be the favourite song you listen to
Every time you can't find a way to fight

Every time you cannot breathe
I'll catch oxygen for you
Every time your heart brokes
I'll pick up the pieces

Whatever happens, promise you'll never let go
Just be with me, we'll make it up
Because I am your best friend
And I have always been your best friend

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