My Portfolio in Crypto for Q1 2018

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


Ethereum: 17%
TenX: 15%
Fun: 10%
Komodo: 10%
Litecoin: 10%
Electroneum: 8%
SingulaDTV: 8%
Decred: 6%
Internet of People: 5%
HumanIQ: 3%
ViaCoin: 2%
Civic: 2%
Enjin Coin: 2%
Monero: 2%

What are your recommendations?
I've been in the game since eth was $10, I've done my research. This is not financial advice, please put in your own diligence.

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We've been in the crypto game for about the same time! I recently have been really impressed with Raiblocks, it's free, almost instant transactions, it's really impressive! The problem is it's only on 2 shady exchanges.

Also ARK is great because it is delegated proof of stake so if you keep your crypto in a wallet and vote for a delegate you can earn passive crypto. It's also going to be, in my opinion, the future of crypto because of its smartbridge technology. I suggest adding those.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My current holdings are...

Populous = 42%
OMG = 13%
PLR = 10%
LTC = 10%
NEO = 9%
Ark = 5%
XLM = 3%
Steem = 2%
PPP = 2%
ZRX = 1%
LINK = 1%
CVC = 1%
DNT = .5%

Sidenote: The only reason PPT is such a large % of my holdings is because it increased so much since I got it (got in at ~$3CAD and its currently sitting at just under $50CAD). I would normally sell some and move it to new coins to spread out the wealth but in PPT's case I still think it has a lot of room to grow, especially with its platform launching in the next month or so.

I am currently waiting on a wire xfer (which has taken AGES) so that I can get some more LTC, OMG, NEO as well as add ICON to my holdings. Out of these the one I would personally recommend possibly adding to your list are...

LTC = going to to AMAZING things in 2018... MAST, LN, Atomic Swaps, Confidential Transactions... all of which are going to lead to a wide range of major partnerships.
NEO = bit risky but is working on decentralizing itself more over the next 12 months, and would likley increase in value a fair bit if/when China decides to loosen the ICO regulations it currently has in place.
OMG = amazing product and team, adding staking in July 2018 which should increase its overall value a large amount
ARK = smart bridge is going to be game-changing and will compliment (not compete) with the rest of the crypto space
ICON = If you know anything about South Korea... they as going to pump this to the absolute max.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Necessary disclaimer: this is not financial advice

  • PowerLedger: not so well-known, but great idea, good roadmap, actual practical application. Now available for exchange on

  • Salt Lending: crypto-based loans, practical application

  • Stratis: great concept, good backing, active team, good roadmap for 2018

  • Nem: great technology, active team, insightful whitepapers

  • apparently if you want to get PowerLedger through, there's a minimum transaction of 5 ether. So this method is not useful if you only want to make a smaller investment.
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: all of is not financial advice

Shapeshift has a minimum fee, but you can still get it from an exchange, like Binance and probably others.

IMhO still an undervalued coin. It's rising and I expect it to rise significantly in the coming months and years.