While Scalability seems like the “biggest issue” currently, MANY other factors are also important.
Security, my quote……”it does not matter until shit happens”
Why Nebulas’ security/decentralization is “unique” ?
It’s very hard to attack Nebulas blockchain. Due to the nature of PoD (“high influence” accounts are selected as validators), attackers will need to build many DApps, make their DApps “highly influential” (as measured by NR) and stake their deposit to coordinate attacks.
Furthermore, while it is not easy to spot one “fake” DApps, finding out many “fake” DApps with “fake” high influence is easier.
My view is, Nebulas can “manually” find out the sudden emergence of many “fake” DApps with “fake” high NR value.
What’s more? Nebulas can put forward a “security fund” to reward anyone who successfully find out those “fake” DApps.
In short, the nature of NR and PoD makes Nebulas a blockchain that is very, very hard to be attacked.