I've Always Been Passionate for BitShares. Even in the Dips or Highs I Just Kept Buying. To the MOON!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

And a couple other of my reccent bets on the exchange and where I get my tips, you wouldn’t believe it and it’s probably not for you. 😼

(with proof)

🚀I’ve sold and bought hundreds of thousands of BitShares since I discovered Steemit and learned about Crypto I’ve always been green, real green. I’m still hodling and buying but buying less since I have other bets to play with and I think I have enough that the next time it moons I should be able to reach some financial goals. BTS got the green light on the Chinese list of legit coins 🚀

I know I piss off the BTS dev’s but it’s because I am passionate about the coin and I know I have brought some pretty decent investments with my excitement. I get influenced by some pretty On the Ball crypto traders in China, sometimes they hear me too. I guess being in China makes it a bit easier to network with some of the top traders through China’s primary social network called WeChat. Which pretty much anyone with eyesight good enough to see a mobile phone screen is using, even 70 year old grannies.

I can’t wait to say to my kids ”When I was your age we didn’t have CryptoCurrency and we actually had to go out and work to make a living” And they’d look at me and say ”Did you have AI when you were a kid” And the only reply I will be able to muster is ”No, but it was in the works and I wish I had joined the resistence”

Back to the trades, that’s why you clicked right?

So, because I am in a few WeChat groups about crypto (including Steemit and Yoyow, though the Yoyow groups is a huge influence on the reason why the CN tag is so hot, there are better groups) I get a lot of top notch info well before it hits the mainstream. I wish I was more focused on crytpo but I give the time I can spare. I have read in an article that one of the biggest losses to the Western world of Crypto is not getting timely translated information. Well, it’s out there and you could have it if you want.

So, a few weeks ago I started banking on NEO coin, I know it’s a big hit right this second and many of you got on the boat reccently too. Others are FOMO’ing right this second. But the good news is it’s gonna climb really high. NO Joke.. There are several factors but mostly you need to realize it is legitimized in China and soon the rest of the world. Already 1,350,000,000 just got the legal go ahead to use it. It will rise. I started buying late, a few weeks ago but its never going down to what it is today, it's only up til it reaches a new threshold, I predict well above what it is today. I will include past links to my past posts at the end to show you my past bets.

Please check out this post and if you’re not already following get on board. Another wealth of crypto info on Steemit.

I wish I had bought more NEO 3 weeks ago as I am still buying it now. I truly expect it to comptete with ETH in may ways mostly in numbers (ETH will also keep rising but slower than NEO, my belief.)

(Actual Depiction of Neo)

I know what I am about to say and forever imprint on the chain is sacrilige here but let’s be honest since you are probably here to make money as much as you are to enjoy the community that has in countless ways amazed the world with some users unabashed genoristy to complete strangers. You’ve seen it right? If not you must be new, you will soon.

Steemit will rise but not for a while. I mean, it’s not going to moon like many other coins are poised to do. There are many articles on Steemit and other websites pointing to this as well. However, I am only going to back up that statement with a simple My Gut Feeling because all trades come down to a gut feeling regardless of how many articles or posts or chats you observe or take part in.

It will rise but you will make more in other coins in the meantime, just saying.

BitShares Will Moon Too**

They are my long term bet. I just keep buying it. It never let’s me down. I bought a bunch of it when it was trading 3200+ Sat and also a lot (much more) at a much less price. I’m just holding because I know it will hit new highs, it is bound to. Their Dev team is just too damn clever and determined something not many coins have going for them. Bitshares has support coming in from so many different directions it would have to do something as stupid as the Burst team to fail their coin. And I Loved Burst for quite a while. Still holding only because to sell now would be such a loss I might as well go down with that ship. LOL ( I do believe in the Burst tech once they renew the Dev’s, long way away, it will rise again.)

So, that’s what’s been on my mind today. Those are my Bets. This is not advice it’s only my experience and beliefs. You probably won’t get the same results as me but if you did or do please share it.

🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛

Image Sources
www.pinterest.com and google grabs



3 months ago


I saw it here well before it was on the Western sphere of influence.

Yoyow supporter since forever

There are more.. This is a sample.

(edited to include my past posts links I forgot to include)

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It was your passion for bts that made me look at it in the first place, after research I've bought at more than one dip. Hodl hodl hooooooold.

You are a wise man. A true old school gamer and deserver of much. ^^

Nice sharing your experience. Lot of people in crypto just jump from a coin to another and call them scam on the first dip. It's great to see some people believe in particular projects and spend time following them.

Luck at first but then i realized i was in to something.

A lot of information, nothing better. I have been holding Bitshares for a while now. Thank you for the post OP, Upvoted.

Thanks. Will be laughing to the moon.

It's good if NEO rises. I bought a little before the fall, and was very upset recently :(

buy more to balance out your average. It will make a difference in the coming months.

Very nice to see you view on crypto and I truly agree with you on steemit. It's not gonna be like some other rockets 🚀 The reason being that our voting power doesn't just appear from thin air, it's essentially more coins being created and thus the value becomes a bit diluted. This is how steemit and steem works, and you are making money here without having to risk your own capital ( unless you want to) which is pretty awesome . I think steem and steemit is a great long term hold which still can make you good money. Maybe we won't go on a rocket ship ride like with some other crypto but our ride will be stable and I think we don't run the same risk of crashing as in some other cryptos - Steemit and steem is already proven to work while many other cryptos are silk on idea stage .

90% of my crypto wealth came from steemit earnings, good trades from SBD investments and Steemit too. It truly is the gateway to crypto.

I really agree with you, it's an awesome stepping stone into the crypto world :)

I think steem and steemit is a great long term hold which still can make you good money...

thanks for sharing

Niice one....the images are dope.

Thanks. Took a bit to put em together.

informative post thank's for sharing