The Ten Crypto Commandments

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

There are ten commandments to follow in the bible. Everything has a bible. From food to religion we must follow the rules to succeed. Winners and losers are found in everything. From the guy who cant pick up a hot chick to the girl who dates the wrong one. When i got into crypto in 2016 there where unspoken laws the top traders in the world taught me. Not just me but all of those who followed them in the internet universe. Ive seen people losing money and being drained by everyday loses while others were on their way to a lambo. It was quite fun watching people post pics of their new rides and watching them quit their crap jobs they were stuck in. Everyday there was a new success story in crytpo while the mainstream media showed life in the world depressing. Some people wake up everyday with no purpose or hope. Lets not be those people. Lets be the ones who rule the new world order. Lets join those seeking financial freedom. But in order to do this we must follow the rules those who made it have laid down for us. They didnt have to but they have felt the same pain we all have when we are slaves to our alarm clock. It tells us to wake up because we have somewhere we dont want to go but have to. To all the dreamers out there this is for you. To everyone who hates not being wealthy and wants to do something about it. To those sick of seeing their life pass them by. Does God exist? Does He want you to be rich? Yes to both but Hes not going to hand you a pot of gold. you must seek it diligently and never give up. Who cares if you like Trump or not. The man preaches never giving up and lived by it which made him the president of the most powerful country in the world. Now to the ten crypto commandments that were laid out by those who started with nothing and ended up financially free from buying and selling digital coins.
Number One- Crypto is here to stay. Do not sell in fear of the technology disappearing. I have thought to myself in 2016 will this technology last. You have to remember that when i started in crypto you couldnt even google it. Nothing would pop up. It took great faith for me to fork over my minimum wage paychecks in hope I would see a profit larger then my imaginations. So in all this keep the faith.
Number Two- Who cares what the news says. Turn your tv off. Stop paying your cable bill and out that money in crypto. You will drive yourself nuts trying to read someones opinions then just following your own. If you dont like crypto guess what you dont have to. But if you found liking then dont let anyone or anything take that from you.
Number Three- Do not sell after a ten percent return. Ive watched so many people sell too early then those who sold too late. We obviously shouldnt hodl forever but dont pull the trigger too fast. You dont hunt babies right? Wait for it to turn on you or to hit your profit target before you sell.
Number Four- Do not sell at 50 percent or more loss. You already lost most of your money so why end it there. This may sound like crazy advice but ive seen 90 percent loses turn around to 1000 percent gains. I am speaking from experience. Dont sit there and watch your profits dwindle either.
Number Five- Twitter is the number one place for crypto company information. You can find what is really going on with your investment from the company itself. Even information on exchanges are posted from the exchange itself. Dont listen to John Mcafee that the exchange is hacked until the exchange confirms it. We seen this with binance.
Number Six- Absolutely do not put any money in their that belongs to your bills. Who cares if you put your extra spending cash in there. Or even your food money. You can afford to starve but not being late on your bills. Most people who put money in the market that was supposed to go towards their bills wind up taking it right back out before they made any profit. Dont be that guy.
Number Seven-Stay off crap exchanges. There are exchanges you dont even need. Stay on the top exchanges or you will be a victim. And if you really want a coin off a crap exchange after you buy it send it to your private wallet.Also dont leave everything you own on a exchange. Anyone and anything can be hacked.
Number Eight- Currency coins are dead. Stay away from them. Governments havent allowed new currncies to be created without them since the beginning of mankind. Face it you are owned by some government and you dont want to invest in anything they will demolish. Of course certain cryptos that are meant to be used as a currency will survive but very few. If you want a lower risk investment then stay away from new currency. Plus the us dollar is the world currency. A top trader once said why buy something that bitcoin can already do. Nobody likes a copy cat.
Number Nine- Volume is key. Stay away from low volume coins. If you can move the market with your investment you are being scammed.
Number Ten- Real world use is very important. If me and you would never use the technology or if it doesnt solve a problem it is useless.
Bonus- Partnerships are very important. When mcdonalds partnered with Omisego the coin price went from .50 cents usd to 10 dollars usd. The coin never went under 1 dollar usd after that. Cryptos have a better chance at surviving if they join the corporate world. Its great if you can buy a coin before the partnership even happened but that is unlikely for everyone to do.
Everything doesnt go up forever and cryptos do not grow by the day. Cryptos work in cycles. If you are making money in a crypto it wont last forever so get out eventually. We all made mistakes in thinking it will keep going up but learn from your first mistake and you will always make money. Day trading is for big money investors. Hodling is for the average joe. This is a international market so you can make a lot of money with a smallk investment. Who cares about what your friends think especially if they have no investment in crypto. I could of bought Dash, Etherum, litecoin at one dollar but I listened to people with no idea of crypto. My ears are closed to people with no investment knowledge. If you didnt make any money in crypto your better off listening to me then me following you. Thats a huge lesson i will take with me for the rest of my life.
In life you will be presented with opportunities but none like crypto. Invest right and safely. Dont lose sleep over a loss and never look back. Regret is the worst feeling a human can experience because there is no changing what is done. This article was presented to you by Solis Digital Assets. May God bless you all and always follow your dreams.
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