4 Easy Steps to Decide the ICO Investment for You

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

ICOs, or Initial Coin Offerings, are all the rage these days. Products, platforms, and promises all asking for a bit of your cold hard cash, or gaseous Ether, or transact-eventually Bitcoin. These companies will put their assorted and ambiguous reputations on the line say they will built a better decentralized mousetrap than anyone has ever done before. So, will all these ICOs popping up left and right, how are you supposed to make an informed decision as a modern cryptovestor?

Don't worry, here are 4 amazing tips that will help you clear out the digital gold from the decentralized dross.

1. How does the Logo Look

Think about it - you'll be staring at this currency for the next few months or years, depending on your investment strategies. Don't you want to make sure you are looking at an appealing and professional logo? You will be seeing it on your portfolio page, you will talking about it on Steemit and Twitter. You definitely want to make sure this logo is eye-catching and has mass appeal.

Also, as you can see with the Ethereum ICO there is a direct correlation between logo 'prettiness' and ICO success. Smooth, sharp lines. Looks modern, yet refined. Definitely a logo that screams the future.

And look at these results, can't really argue with the results.

I see you are apprehensive. That you don't really buy my argument. Well, let me ask you this... which ICO would you rather buy into?



2. Website Production Values

So, a company is about to go public in the eyes of the crypto community. They better hope they shelled out for a great webdesign and video production company. I'm talking the best hero-images, single-page multi-panel paradigms, and an introduction video you could frankly take home to your mother. I'm talking utterly immaculate with and filled with all the buzzwords - decentralized, currency, smart contract, revolutionize, and "First Time Ever". Investors understand that you need to spend money to make money, and companies that don't have a alpha, demo, prototype or even a pipedream should still have an amazing website.

Example: Look at this beauty. Multi-panel paradigms, beautiful, responsive design, a digital represenation of their "Alpha" on a tablet - looks super usable, doesn't it? And lastly, a video that includes live interviews with amazing graphics explaining the concept so that anyone can understand! Magnifique!

Was this an ICO worth investing in? Well, of course, it was! It passed rule one and two. A clean, modern logo and an amazing website and video.


3. How many languages in the whitepaper in?

The world is growing. Western-centrism cannot be relied on to provide the ICO gains that you need as a savvy cryptovestor. You need to diversify across continents and rope in as many global markets as possible. And the easiest way to discern that is to see how many languages an ICOs whitepaper is written in - More languages equals more suckers, um, I mean, investors. Use this as a handy guide to see how global that ICO will really be.


Hmm, look at that diversity. This team is definitely trying to communicate with me! Their translation efforts will not go unnoticed as investors around the world will be able to understand their crypto-genius. They will be able to see the value of their own language and realize this is a global company aiming for a global size of the pie. This ICO is going places - definitely worth investing in.

Oh, and don't worry about the quality of the whitepaper - I don't even recommend you read it. Most investors won't, and it is simply a waste of your time. Just look for the languages and then languish in the money.


4. How many advisor pictures on on their webiste?

This is a random quote that will help this section look more serious - Anonymous

Good advice is hard to come by they say. That is why having a healthy amount of advisory members is clutch to a successful ICO. We know that having a wide array of advisors, with a mixture of LinkedIn and Twitter profiles is absolutely essential to an ICO's final success or failure. Now, I don't think there is a hard or fast rule for specifics numbers, but you should definitely keep things in the range of a dozen or so contributors, just to be safe.

Look at the size of this team! So big, I had to use image manipulation to make sure they all fit on one screen. And each of them has LinkedIn and/or Twitter profiles. Obviously, this is a ICO that is going places.

As with the whitepapers, additional diligence on the team working on your ICO is superfluous. We are looking for sheer quantity. You want as many eyeballs and brains on the problem as you can get. Small, focused teams have never really accomplished anything ever in the history of the world. So, aim for numbers, people. The identities, backgrounds, and capabilities of the people doesn't matter in the slightest.



As you can see, with these amazing, can't-fail, steps you will soon be living the life of your dreams. All of your ICOs will succeed and you will live in crypto-paradise sipping a crypto-margaritas on a crypto-beach made of decentralized sand. You will be the story your friends talk about as you lavish in your highly liquid millions.


Disclaimer - None of these methods has undergone rigourous back-testing or any kind of scientific process whatsoever. These were a joint creation of multiple tweeters and subject to change. If you don't understand that this is satire yet, then the world cannot help you - Please do not invest in ICOs. This is as legally binding a disclaimer as possible, and I cannot be help responsible for your cryptovestor actions.


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SomethingSubtle Dan Hollinger tweeted @ 20 Jun 2017 - 14:06 UTC

Theory - #ICO value is directly related to

  1. Production quality of website
  2. Quality of introductory video
  3. Quality of the logo
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I laughed when I read the first point but you are actually right. I wrote something about this before and am discussing one ICO a day. Mainly based on the whitepaper and the structure. Some interesting structures to say the least. Shipping 8.5% of the ICO to another company also owned by the owners for example.

Yea, its amazing the criteria or non-criteria with which people invest in these things. I don't think I've even been sold on the logos, but I know I'm pretty keen to buy into the 'promises' of many of the launches.

Even for existing coins. You will actually be surprised how many websites have links that don't work and haven't been updated for months. But still people are buying these coins.

I found a dev site for one of the platforms, I think it was Iota, with links that just kept pointing to internal page structure - e.g. "#"

It gave me some pause into how strong the dev environment really was.

Well lets hope they spend all their time and efforts on developing their technology and are to busy to fix their website lol.

Yes, it makes you feel less comfortable investing in it as the ICO is technically the easy part lol.

I strongly agree with you about the quality of the team and the transparency for who is behind the ICO. I can't believe there are so many ICOs where the development team and founder are essentially anonymous. It will be interesting to see if these turn out to be the scams or if they surface once the ICO is successful.

For an entire system built around decentralized, trust-less systems, perhaps we trust too much?

I mainly focus on the entourage to developer ratio. Entourage is marketing, business dev, advisers. etc. If there are 100+ entourage and only 1 or 2 developers, then this is a dream situation.

Yea, pretty good indicator of action if they are top-heavy in idea-people and lack in coders and do-ers.

thank you for good posting.
it's informative

I hope not TOO informative. Lol.