PieCoin Is It good investment or another pump and dump?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

I have stumbled up on this new Coin The "PieCoin", Few Youtubers are promoting it, so I have decided to take a look closer. The main thing that got me interested in it. It will have Master Note. And of course the price:)

What do you guys think about this coin?

PieCoin is the cryptocurrency made for simplicity. PieCoin will take cryptocurrency to a place where getting and sending your cryptocurrency is as easy as receiving an email or posting to social media. PieCoin is the catalyst that takes cryptocurrency over the cusp and into the hands of the masses.

Here is their website http://www.piecoin.info/




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very soon there will be as many coin as the population of earth

Not a pump. Big things are coming soon. Check our our new/first post.