Revealing the truth about ICO: a cry from the depths

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)


In those wondrous, carefree years when practically every ICO project easily managed to raise money from crypto-enthusiasts, experts and those users simply "passing by", we wouldn't have had to be so responsible in our preparations or so meticulously thought out each line of our White Paper. It would've been enough to do what one frequently sees nowadays – a personalized document outline that "spells out" the idea for you, with seemingly no time left to spend on grammar or punctuation. Many people still use the magic formula that is "Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V", trying to prove their own exceptionalism to us. Then, soon after a collection delivers a favorable net income, they scatter to the wind, pockets full.

 We don't want, nor intend, to go down that road. The reason is simple – good manners. That’s right, I'm telling you, pure and simple. Who am I? My name is Natali. Nice to meet you!

I joined Ashmanov Neural Networks two months ago to help Stanislav Ashmanov run his ICO project. He had a lot of questions, just as I did. Two months later, and we still have just as many, if not more! The market’s changed. The audience has started to take on an increasingly more recognizable form with a clear distinction — a higher level of education, making it tougher to manage and direct.

It’s not like we’re formulating a global plan to deceive humanity or anything, because someone else is already doing it.

A few have even succeeded, but for us honest, well-mannered folks… it’s hard! You’ve got to think things through and show the whole story, as if you were justifying yourself. Seriously!

You do it because someone else made off with a pile of money and people, understandably, are already giving you the side-eye, thinking, “Are you planning to cheat us decent crypto-investors, too?” (Remember the so-called exit scam of the Pincoin ICO from Vietnam? They ran off with $ 660 million!!!)

The market’s only a year old! 

ONE YEAR! And it’s already so full of dirt, deceit and hypocrisy…

Yeah, okay, anyway. I don’t want to make excuses for our whole team. In the end, the decision is yours. No one’s going to hold a gun to your head and make you buy our tokens (but I wonder if that’s ever happened?). Perhaps I’ll continue my story about the project and who’s creating it, because that’s much more interesting than all this stuff. 

Who are we?

 We are a team! This word contains many years (in my case, 2 months) of collaborative effort, with the major outcome being our mutual trust for one another.

SOVA Foundation is the name of a joint undertaking that includes three active companies, whose development and technology form a project with the abbreviated name SOVA! Transcribing it into Cyrillic, the correct way to say it is to stress the first syllable — SÓVA. No relation to the bird here, because SOVA stands for “Smart Open Virtual Assistant”. 

 Now, the first and predominant company is Ashmanov Neural Networks. It was established in 2015 by Stanislav Ashmanov and Igor Modyayev. Although it’s only three and some-odd years old, analysts estimate its current value at 150 million rubles. The company develops solutions for machine learning and neural networks. You can read more on their site about their technology and proprietary designs via the link above. 

 I would like to point out that, even starting with two people and zero revenue, these guys managed to maintain a stable growth of 50% across all indicators for each year. In other words, Ashmanov Neural Networks grew 8 times in three years! As an unknown author once said, “Consistency is the mother of mastery!” 

 The second company is Nanosemantics. Together with a team of like-minded people, Igor Ashmanov, a well-known Russian entreprenuer in the field of information technology, created the company back in 2003. The company’s primary business activity is developing social bots, chatbots and dialogue systems for corporate clients. 

 For more than 10 years, Nanosemantics has worked with well-known clients like Ford, Webmoney, Beeline, and Russian banks, including Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank and Raiffeisen Bank. Over 30 commercial projects were carried out in 2017! The popularity of chatbots is growing, so naturally, business is beginning to take more interest in technology. 

 In March 2018, Stanislav Ashmanov was appointed director of Nanosemantics. This was because previous management had grown “tired” and the company needed to move to a new level, where it could increase its turnover and income. Therefore, it was decided to hand the reins over to a younger director, one who had already proven himself and earned the respect of Nanosemantics’ leadership (among which were Igor Ashmanov and Natalya Kaspersky). 

 Another company that has joined the effort on the SOVA project is Lexy. It was founded in 2014 with the purpose of actualizing the eponymous project to create the “intelligent home companion”, Lexy. At that time, a team of graduates from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology were working on the project under the guidance of Dmitry Suvorov, a postgraduate student at the Space Robotics Laboratory of Skoltech. 

 Stanislav Ashmanov was among the project’s developers. He even gave an interview for Russia Today, which showed great interest in the project and created a very interesting story: 

 In spring 2016, the Skolkovo Foundation grant committee approved a request for a mini-grant in the amount of 5 million rubles. The funds were used to develop a solution for recognizing human speech in noisy environments.

Today, Lexy is a small device equipped with a camera, motion sensors and sensors around its perimeter. Although, it was said during the Russian TV show, Evening Urgant, that Lexy looks like a football. They just haven’t watched Star Wars and don’t know what the Death Star is =) 


 On that note I would like to complete the first part of an article series about our SOVA project. Next you will learn why we decided to enter an ICO, what our plans are to further advance the project (and our conquest of the universe ^_^) and we’ll also delve into all the elements that make up SOVA, which will help you better understand what it is we’re doing and why it matters to you. 

 If you liked this article, don’t be stingy and give us a like, a clap, heart, smiley or whatever it is you see on your screen. We would be very, very happy =)

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In spring 2016, the Skolkovo Foundation grant committee approved a request for a mini-grant in the amount of 5 million rubles. The funds were used to develop a solution for recognizing human speech in noisy environments.