Is using petro as a reflection of the new salary convenient?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

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The petro is a virtual cryptocurrency created for the optimization of finances in Venezuela, but it is not very convincing that we say that the petro is only sustainable because of the oil and mining reserves of the country which makes this currency an insignificant value before many others.

We know very well that in comparison with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, litecoin among many others have a high value in the current market, already leaving far behind the new Petro created by the country Venezuela.

The petro is currently quoted at $ 60 equivalent to 1 Petro, has been decreed a salary adjustment never seen before in the country with an increase of 5400% to the previous salary, according to presidents of the country assure that the new minimum salary of Venezuela will be of medium petro is the same as $ 30 or bolivars 1,800 Sovereign Bolivares.

The leaders claim to be governed from now on by the petro in many of their financial ideas to get the country out of the high crisis, however it is a projection that they claim will not have any positive impact in solving many of the problems we currently have. that the financial mismanagement has led us to the total crisis never seen before in Venezuela.

By @srmit
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