Cryptotrader and Gekko bot Review Day #55

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Good morning fellow crypto entrepreneurs.

I just wanted to post a daily update of how our bots on cryptotrader and how our gekko bot is doing. Yesterday we did around 1.5% profit. The markets that we are trading in posted a B & H of around - 3%. Overall it was winning day $$$ wise, but a great day because we beat the market. The bots control about $16,000-$18,000 worth of coin. The bots also executed 178 trades yesterday. I am considering moving 90% of my funds into steem but im not sure yet.

Overall we are up around 84% in 55 days . Backtest, backtest, backtest and backtest some more. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions regarding bots and trading. But remember to follow and you will always be up to date.

We have also been margin trading and taken some huge losses.


As always blockchain is life.

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thanks bro be part of community also good info thanks :)

Wow these trading numbers are really awesome and congratulations for the 1.5% of profits and keepup the good work. Wishing you an great day.

Stay Blessed.