Recently a group of users has filed a class action lawsuit against the Nano developers before the New York District Court represented by the Silver Miller law firm, a lawsuit that was formalized on April 5.
One of the plaintiffs, known as Alex Brola of US nationality, maintains that the developers of Nano (formerly Raiblocks) have violated the federal securities law of the United States in the issuance of cryptocurrencies, in addition to having acted negligently in the launching of a new cryptocurrency on the BitGrail Exchange site, site of a robbery in the middle of last February that was around 187 million dollars in the Nano cryptocurrency (XRB).
Brola says regulators should force Nano developers to make a "saving bifurcation" with which a new cryptocurrency is issued to reward the losses suffered by users through the BitGrail theft.
In December of last year Brola would have bought $ 50,000 in the cryptocurrency, which he lost in the theft, meanwhile, in Silver Miller claim that there may be thousands of potential participants in this class action
¿Silver Miller está preparado para afrontar tal demanda?
Silver Miller ya tiene experiencia en casos asociados con criptomonedas, ya el bufete ha realizado anteriormente demandas colectivas contra Kraken, Cryptsy, BitConnet, Monkey Caipal, Giga Watt, Tezos y hasta contra Coinbase. En el aviso de demanda el bufete Silver Miller se describe como “un fuerte defensor de los inversionistas que fueron perjudicados por la tergiversaciones y acciones ilegales en las criptobolsas y emisores de criptomonedas”.
Hasta ahora el equipo de Nano no se ha pronunciado con respecto a los cargos que se les ha imputado y habría que ver si acceden a realizar el Hard fork que se le está pidiendo realizar en la demanda para compensar a los usuarios afectados del robo.
Por parte del exchange BitGrail, hace unos días ya anunciaron que a pesar de no ser los culpables de dicho robo, compensarán dentro de poco a los usuarios afectados, con la devolución de parte de los Nano y la parte restante se devolverá con la moneda propia del exchange.
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