Big money goes into networking. The little guys are doing the work for the big ones. Evolution will solve great problems and could cryptocurrency really mean that not only the riches stay rich and that evolution will outplay them?
I like to mesmerize and smile deeply upon those thoughts. Cryptocurrencies are really a vast world ready to be explored. Money can be made, we really live in an age of information. I can give you 20 idea's and thoughts about how you can earn money on the internet. It's as simple as my writing. The one I want to be talking about is networking. I haven't done any networking myself and frankly, I was always wary about these projects. I have done my research on many of these passive income projects and most of them:
A. overpay and are ponzi schemes
B. you need to build a network to see money grow.
C. no real business model
I will say no names or promoto any of them except mine, ofcourse. No, really, networking is nothing for me but it might be something for you! I have participated in 2 projects though where I am earning passive income. One of them is Cryp Trade.
They are an established company and have a team of professionals traders trading daily any time, anywhere during the day. Leaving your money anywhere than the bank and having your money invested, if you don't use it, is a must. Me, myself like to invest 50% now in cryptocurrencies. But I like to diversify my 50% heavily.
I am earning money in multiple ways. Be it trading, retiring funds or passive income. I can name a lot more and it's not all about cryptocurrencies. Anyway many Steemians might be cryptocrazed, the youth really has the power in their hands.
Be wise and do your research, read about Cryp Trade and check it out for yourself! You can make some good money by networking. And if you are not interested in networking than you can make 4 times your money easily in 1 year. No bank offers that... Cryp Trade are professionals traders in cryptocurrencies and lots of money is made daily.
My best tip is never to invest what you can't miss but if you want to invest, be on the lookout!
Sunny Escapades @ Twitter & facebook
- Just Written