Introducing Bitnation With An Explainer Video

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago  (edited)

The world is a very beautiful place to live in. We are surrounded by beautiful creatures, oceans and peaceful atmosphere. But those in power have restricted us of our much-deserved freedom, hence forcing us to accept their terms. Now, we can hardly do things just the way we want them. That is no more going to be the case as Bitnation; the internet of sovereignty has brought to us our own world.

Bitnation, the Pangea Blockchain Jurisdiction is the world’s first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN) platform that gives us the ability to create our own nation where we can live freely just the way we want with our own code of conduct. This platform brings the legal services on the era-defining technology – the Blockchain technology.

With the Pangea app on your mobile phone, you can easily get access to governance services, create peer-to-peer smart contract agreement, and resolve a dispute. Each successfully executed agreement brings you the Bitnation protocol token called the Pangea Arbitration Token (XPAT) which is earned based on performance rather than purchasing power.

Introducing Bitnation with an explainer video

Below is an explainer video with detailed information on what Bitnation is all about and how it works. Take your time to watch the video and feel free to use it to promote Bitnation both online and offline without the need to give credit.

It is my hope that you find this video useful. If you need more videos to promote Bitnation, contact me on Discord and I will be there to help anytime.

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Both of which are public domains and CCO licensed.

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The information contained here shall not be used as a guide in your next crypto trade. The writer is not a financial advisor but a crypto trader just like you. Information presented in this blog is for educational use only.

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