RE: Altcoins like Vcash try to have functionalities that Bitcoin lacks- Anonymity, speed, etc...

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Altcoins like Vcash try to have functionalities that Bitcoin lacks- Anonymity, speed, etc...

in cryptocurrency •  9 years ago 

For sure, I hodl BTC, but I like Dash as a darkhorse that just might come in because they seem to have their shit sorted currently and big plans for the future. Mycelium wallet will support Dash soon. I'm hoping that also means convenient Trezor support.

Adam, if you like Dash, talk it up some too.

PS, I have NO idea what Vcash is... I'm mildly interested in upcoming ZCash project however.

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Dash hiring Amanda J was a GREAT marketing move. I think a "dark" coin that is truly anonymous will survive and serve some purpose in the future. I know about Vcash because some guys over there proactively contacted me and I said I would try and get traders trading it. It is obviously risky, but traders are gamblers. Vcash needed some marketing help so I am helping this month. my latest steemit post can be found here:

Any idea why Dash just hit $9.23? WTF?

You are second person who has brought that up to me tonight. I have no idea now. I am going to look into it.

There are some insiders in DASH that can manipulate the market as they wish. The 300btc buywalls are proof of this.