RE: DIYT Coin Presale Soon Ending And Amping Up For ICO

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DIYT Coin Presale Soon Ending And Amping Up For ICO

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

My military status has nothing to do with DIY Tube Video Community and the coming coin sale or its team members.

Actually my military status has nothing to do with anything really.

And I have tried again and again to show my forms but you deny them as being real.

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you have NEVER shown your FULL DD214 without it having everything blocked out. you have NEVER shown your discharge status. you have shown two different DD214's which leads people to believe they are faked. much of your stories about the army and your terms used and the way you salute left handed and claimed it was how your unit did it plus all the fake awards you claimed are why you are constantly claimed stolen valor! also the dates you claim for your service dont add up. the units you claim have zero record of you on their rosters. the DOD and Veterans Affairs have never heard of you... all points to STOLEN VALOR SCAM ! ! !

Notice the date - three years ago this man was ranting about me and still is.

Edit: four years ago he was harassing me about this.

and for four years you still have not proven your discharge status being anything other than dishonorable!

nice rotc photos troy. but where are the actual army photos?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

your pics and videos say otherwise...

so you admit you were dishonorably discharged then???

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you refuse to prove otherwise and you refuse to answer or even discuss the matter. therefore you are clearly lying about your enlistment or have something to hide such as your stolen valor...

prove i am wrong and show a clear unaltered and visible full copy of your member 4 copy of your DD214...

you may black out your SSN as that is the only bit of private info on the member 4 copy. the rest is public info. so if you have nothing to hide then post it here on its own steemit blog...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you are a fraud and you blacked out most every detail on your dd214. you refuse to show your name and your discharge status at the same time on the same document. you hid all your info of importance. you refuse to show proof of honorable status.



Four years ago you were ranting and calling me a liar and a fraud.

Here is the video I made in response to you back then:

Dated back to 2014. Four years this man has been harassing me and shouting stolen valor.

And here is a more modern one showing my Michigan State drivers license with Veteran status:

That is a redacted covered up short form DD214 only given to members with LESS THAN HONORABLE DISCHARGE. Show the long form with discharge status on why you were separated from service. YOU HAVE SHOWN NO SERVICE AND ARE FULL OF LIES.

Proof that you Ryan (doc) are only spreading lies to cause me and my family harm.

Now I DARE You to leave my replies in place and not gray them out.

i will leave them because your own video proves you concealed your discharge status and refuse to show if you got honorably discharged or not. in fact it proves you are nuts and claim you recieved awards that dont exist like best tank driver in the army. also you dont drive tanks in basic training like you claim in these videos and comment section. the military salutes right handed but you claimed your unit saluted left handed. your dates dont match with your unit claims. the units you claimed to be in have zero record of you on their roosters. your own videos prove you are lying about your military career...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

did you even understand my words? please get some reading comprehension classes... you clearly need them...

Dishonorable discharge = dishonorable investment....

Show all the documentation including the staff of your scam....

Another one. I dont think you can con Michigan State:

And we all know you have long ago turned me in to the State for fraud. Yet here is my Michigan State drivers license.

grey out these comments about your military lies and you will be proving that you are committing stolen valor by hiding the truth!!!

Michigan State seems to believe I served my country:

Michigan DMV does not require proof of service for that stamp is why you got it EFFIN LIAR STOLEN VALOR!!. SHOW YOUR DISCHARGE STATUS!!. You have no VA Benefits so big clue huh???

Gray out my answers and prove that you are only here to spread lies and filth about me.

it does NOT prove you were honorably discharged. why do you refuse to show your discharge status? the dmv does not enforce their rule about having to show proof. they just have you sign an affidavit that says you promise to be telling the truth. then if you ever get caught in the lie they arrest you. i know because i lived in michigan for several years and never had to show proof. yet my id says im a veteran too. prove it and show your full unedited member 4 copy of your dd214 with discharge status!