Warning: Justin Sun claims himself to be the CEO of "rippIe" to Chinese media

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

The following is a crosspost , but I want to give it more exposure. Source

Justin Sun is a lifetime lair and disgusting name dropper. Following are the solid evidences of him claiming himself to be the founder and CEO of ripple network:

1.Video of Justin Sun claiming himself to founder, CEO and whatever important of ripple. (you may need a Chinese VPN to play it) https://v.qq.com/x/cover/h3pimgw8ycm598a/q0161c32v6v.html

right at the begining of this video you will see him claiming himself to be the founder, ceo and blabla.
here is the screenshot with translation

Red English text is added by me and the white subtitle is the original video image.

2.Another article records that he talks about how good ripple is, like he is the ripple representative:
Screenshot: https://imgur.com/74QaU8z

3.here is a youtube video of him speaking with ripple title:

4.here is his personal profile on Baidu wiki which also says he is that stuff: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AD%99%E5%AE%87%E6%99%A8/5754411?fr=aladdin


here is the video of real ripple CMO denying knowing Justin Sun, nor Sun was ever representative of anything:

"0:12 We have this situation(people faking relationship with ripple) a lot, we had this in Japan once"

"0:23 Emi is our representative of asia"

"0:35 He is not our representative "

"0:50 We don't know this guy"

6.here is the link of Justin sun try to muddle through it with more lies:

***To be accurate, he registered his own company in Beijing which is pretty much named like "RippIe"(L to I)(Not exactly this but you know the kind of trick, just in another language), and pronounces the same as the real Chinese translation of Ripple, so he is not technically wrong to claim himself to the CEO of something that writes like 'RippIe' or 'Ribble' and pronounces exactly the same as Ripple. Then he give speech about the real ripple everywhere. Clearly he is trying to mislead people to believe he has relation with the real ripple.

These are the tricks he is playing towards Chinese people. To you foreigners, he try to make you believe that he is related to the mysterious and almighty Chinese government, to Jack Ma, etc. etc

But EVERY PARTERNER of tron is pretty much companies registered by himself and basically no one in China knows. I bet Jack Ma never know his name.

you may need vpn to China to get the videos on v.qq.com play. The domain actually means "video of qq" which is hosted by tencent. Definitely not fishy site. I do not know how to move the video to youtube but the screenshot is made by me and hosted in imgur. Besides there is a youtube video included.

I am not trying to save you Tron investors, you deserve to lose money if you can actually believe in a guy like this. I am trying to do something good and right to the market and to the world.

Could you, anyone see this post, verify this, spread this, and stop this ugly madness?

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