Which crypto currency should a beginner buy right now?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

I am very new to the CC arena. Honestly, I don't even have a wallet. As I posted here https://steemit.com/btc/@thewineman/bitcoin-or-gold , I was deciding on buying gold or possibly BTC. I have decided to put my money into a crypto currency. My question to you all is, what would you suggest to buy for a first timer? I thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions.

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It's hard to recommend anything because so many people are maximalists on one coin. You have people who are all about Ripple $XRP, Litecoin $LTC, Ethereum $ETH, Ethereum Classic $ETC, Dash $Dash, NEM $XEM, Bitcoin $BTC, Monero $XMR - and more, but there are die hard communities for several of coins. Starting with Steem was a good idea, and Twitter is great for research - just enter in those ticker symbols I mentioned and others you find along the way and read what people have to say!

I also suggest starting with a smaller exchange, because people tend to sell less when Bitcoin's price climbs - from my experience!
Personally I like Bittrex.com, but I'm from Seattle so I'm bias ;D
Other people like Poloniex, Tuxexchange, Bitfinex (lol), and crytopia.
POSWallet is also a great site once you learn about mining/staking coins!

Good luck! It's just begun! We'll have ups and downs along the way, but long - long term is in the clouds (others will say the Moon ;) !)


Thank you for the info! I'll definitely need to do some reading. I guess I didn't realize that there were groups of hardcore supporters of each one, but I see see why. The speculation of some of them is insane. I'm way over my head here. haha! I lived in the Columbia Gorge, White Salmon for a couple of years. Absolutely fell in love with the PNW. I'll look into the Bittrex, I support WA. lol

None. I would suggest that you don't purchase any until you do some basic research. A few tips:

  • Go to coinmarketcap start looking through the coins by clicking on the coin then on the 'Website' link on the left under the logo/name. Read about what they're doing, look at their whitepapers or their roadmap. Also look at their social communities like reddit etc. How involved is the community, can you easily ask questions and get information?
  • Find a project or several that you actually believe will be successful
  • Read-up or watch youtube videos about how to keep your coins safe.
  • Research some of the different exchanges and their history or current issues.
  • Buy - But don't invest more than you're willing to lose.
  • Don't store your coins on an exchange.

There are some great crypto communities for certain coins/platforms. For example
Dash has an awesome slack community (Dashnation) and a pretty good reddit community.
Ethereum has a solid community on reddit etc.
Steem - Well, you're in it.

There are some great youtube channels around as well for news and general information Crypt0 @crypt0 here on Steem has a great channel, he is a big supporter/believer in Ethereum but covers a lot of general cryptocurrency news. The Cryptoverse on Youtube is also solid for general cryptocurrency news as well as many others

Of course if you just want to 'buy some' then figure it out as you go, any of the top 20 are probably fine for doing that.
Good luck with it whatever you choose. It's a very exciting time to be a part of the crypto-world. Hope you have fun learning about it all.

Thank you very much for taking the time to write all of that. I'm definitely a research guy, and won't buy until I am comfortable. I'll look up coin market cap, look at youtube. I really just didn't know where to start. I accidentally found this site yesterday, and just thought it was cool. Then I realized what it was all about. Needles to say, my interested is extremely peaked! Thank you again for all of the information!

No problem at all. Steem really is a great place to start. Lots of information and some very knowledgeable people. I think all of us have been in your shoes just finding out that there is a whole giant crypto-world to explore. It's really incredible. Hope you find success.

Crypto currencies aside, I've heard Silver is actually extremely undervalued - just something else to consider!

Most definitely! I am a precious metal bug originally, and have more silver than I can carry at once. That's why I'm looking into CC's. I have been buying silver for a couple years pretty steadily. I will add, with the gold/silver ratio around 75, gold isn't a very good value, comparatively speaking.